Monat 01-03 / 04-06
/ 07-09 / 10-12
Monat 01-03 2004 (04-06 - 07-09 - 10-12)
09. März 2004 Johnny Clegg & Juluka live in private concert at La Suite in Paris, France. http://gallery.ruwenzori.net/cleggs
18. März 2004 Intense probe nets suspects
18/03/2004 08:50 - (SA) Hannah Keal http://www.outsurance.co.za/default.asp?pg=equote&q=q&source=news24&cr=5442113011
Greytown - Two of the three men believed to be involved in last year's hijacking and armed robbery of internationally acclaimed musician and former Juluka member Sipho Mchunu on the Kranskop road have been arrested.
Sandile Khanyile, 37, and Mhlengeni Mbeje, 21, appeared in Greytown magistrate's court on March 4 and are being kept in custody until their next hearing on March 23, police said on Wednesday.
Police spokesperson Joshua Gwala said the arrests came after an extensive follow-up investigation in the Greytown area. Mchunu's gun and cellphone were also recovered.
Mchunu was hijacked and assaulted in July last year by three men who offered to help him change a flat tyre 10km outside Greytown.
One of the men pulled out a gun and demanded money. They then beat him up, causing a concussion and cuts and bruises to his face and head.
The suspects forced him into his car and drove 36km before stopping on District Road 79 where one of the men suggested that they kill Mchunu.
They then pushed him out of the car. The vehicle was later found abandoned in Tugela Ferry.
19. März 2004 OUT AND ABOUT - Johnny Clegg is L'Appel of French people's eye South African Tourism expected 300 invited guests to turn up. But more than responded to The Call. http://www.tonight.co.za/index.php?fArticleId=378075&fSectionId=514&fSetId=251
The vibrant launch of SAT's first-ever French
deal-driven consumer campaign, L'Appel de l'Afrique du Sud (The Call of South
Africa), this week at La Suite, one of the most stylish venues in Paris,
turned out to be a star-studded evening beyond anyone's wildest dreams.
Catherine Deneuve, possibly France's most famous actresses, headed up the bevy
of that country's celebrities who attended the evening.
Johnny Hallyday - the most popular singer in France for over 50 years -
actress Emmanuelle Béart and actors Thierry Lhermite and Richard Berri were
also there.
Johnny Clegg, the second-most popular South African in France after
former SA president Nelson Mandela, performed at the launch - also a preview
for his French tour - and stirred the guests' hearts with a powerful
performance of the hits that have earned him the title of le Zoulou Blanc, the
temperature reaching its zenith when he started to play the first notes of
Scatterlings of Africa.
After his performance, an emotional Clegg said: "Thanks to music, I can give
the French people the desire to come and visit my home country ."
Newly appointed country manager for SAT: France, Khanyi Dhlomo, explained that
some of the the celebrities at the launch would be hosted on visits to
SA later this year.
Meanwhile in New York, Prudence Solomon Inzerillo - president of SAT: USA -
was doing her bit to promote South Africa.
She attended a press conference for Manhattan's Tribeca Film Festival, which
this year is holding a special celebration in honour of 10 years of democracy
in South Africa, and of which SAT is a title sponsor.
"The people of South Africa are deeply honoured to continue this journey,"
said Inzerillo, former TV presenter. "President Nelson Mandela was extremely
proud to be part of the festival's inaugural event, because South Africa is a
'miracle' - as are the momentous contributions that the Tribeca Film Festival
has made to New York - and it is in this spirit that South Africa joins the
Tribeca Film Festival family."
The Tribeca Film Festival takes place in the first week of May. - Sapa
April 2004 Tourdates in France/USA
30. März - Paris, F - Grand Rex (JOHNNY CLEGG en Concert Places en vente : FNAC, VIRGIN) http://www.legrandrex.com/rex/html/evenements.html
A french photographer put online many of his pictures from Paris "Grand Rex", find the link below http://www.bidibull.net/_photonetwork/jcleggweb/index.htm
(Original und weitere Photos vom Grand Rex concert )
"I managed 3.5 hours sleep last night, got the
train from Paris to London , at my desk now beavering away , and I'm not
tired, still on a massive high.
Ladies and gentlemen if last nights concert was/is the 'test' then you are
in for a fantastic time when Johnny and the band get to your neck of the
Mostly old songs,with only 2 from New World Survivor. I'm not sure I
understand these tactics as the album gets a European release in June. There
was a full house of 2,700 there last night so I think they could have been
targetted better.
I met up with Fabrice and Daniel and others from Paris and Montpellier, and
Margaret flew in from Dublin. A mini United Nations.
I thought I was a Johnny Clegg nut, but Fabrice takes it up many notches, he
spotted Mandisa in the street prior to the concert, so we charged after her
and got her autograph, and after the concert he knew where to wait in the
street and I got to meet Johnny. Twenty-two years I've waited for that, and
it was so worth it.What a gentleman.
Johnny really impressed me in the concert in between songs, 90% French
spoken to the audience, no wonder he is so respected in France as he has
made the effort.
One other thing Corcord the bass player was selling his CD after the
concert, called 'The time the season' by Concord.
www.concordcreativity.com I've bought it blind so I can't tell you anything
more , I've just told you in case anyone wants a copy. He is such a nice
chap as well,genuinely surprised that anyone wanted a copy of his work.
Well I reckon I'm good for a few more hours and then tiredness will take
over, but I had the time of my life. It was so worth it.
Don Compton"
"The song performed by Johnny Clegg the last
night are :
africa/guyani/into the picture/colors of change/third world child/africa sky
blue/Bullets for Bafazane/Cruel crazy beautiful world/Great heart/gunship
guetto/the dance/i call your name/ring on her finger/Siyayilanda/emalonjeni
Second parts :scatterlings/umfazi omdala/asimbonanga/dela
(Original und weitere Photos hier)
"I've got jetlag and I am
happy. My husband, Dave, and I flew to Paris from NY for Johnny's show at Le
Grand Rex. It was fantastic. We got to the venue a few hours early, so we
were 2nd in line. Johnny came by carrying 2 shopping bags and smiled big as
we started clapping. We had front row center seats (general seating only)
and were able to stand and dance at the stage. The band was so tight and
Johnny sounded great. He was in great physical shape and did a lot of
dancing. We saw the concert in Thonon-les-Bains, France last summer and
there was almost no dancing. Johnny has done a lot of physical conditioning
since then and it shows. At one point he jumped straight up in the air from
a stationary position and really jumped high. The motions were so quick and
precise. It was way cool. He did some stick fighting type dancing with just
one dancer. He told a lot of stories between songs, both in French and
English. He's a great story teller. Of course, I was thrilled when Johnny
down for my hand and sang, "I burn for you". What girl wouldn't be thrilled?
They did a nice long show and worked their butts off. (Someone already sent
you all the list of songs played, a good thing since I am terrible about
remembering that stuff.)
Yes, there are tee-shirts(one design in 2 styles, one CD only, one DVD in
the European version, and two posters, both the same, just different sizes,
all for sale.
The show was opened by Israel Ladesra (not sure of the spelling). He plays
the harp in an original style from Uraguay. He said Johnny had given him a
break a long time ago and introduce his music at one of his shows. Since
then, Israel has become famous and wanted to say thanks to Johnny by
performing for this concert. This guy blew us away too. It was a great way
to start the show.
We were able to chat with Johnny after the show. (A friend knows his
European manager.) He was really down to earth. He told me he will be in the
States in 2 weeks. I am trying to confirm places and dates and will let you
all know when I have that info. I hope these will happen near some of us so
that we can attend.
I am not new to Johnny's music, but this past year the 2 concerts I heard in
France were my first opportunities to hear him live. Hearing him in a
country that loves his music so much is a treat. The French have embraced
his music for a long time and the energy at the concerts was electric.There
is such freedom to get up close to the band too. Conrad was hanging out in
the lobby after the show as were some of the others. I can't wait to hear
him here in the States too.
Just for your information, there is a CD sold at Virgin's Megastore in Paris
that is a Live recording of songs selected from 18 shows at the Nelson
Mandela Theater recorded this past September. It has all but one of the
songs from the live album we all bought from South Africa. This one at
Virgin is basically the same show that we saw in Paris the other night.
So, that's my story and I'm stickin to it. I'm still walking around with a
smile on my face. I still can't believe it was so great. We are all in for a
treat this summer.
Judy Petro"
31. März - Strasbourg, F - La Laiterie
"Just wanted to add to the
great revues from the Paris concert. The one in Strasbourg was great, full
house of about 200-300 people.
I didn't see it since I now live in Tucson, AZ, but my sister had a blast
saying she had forgotten how great Johnny's shows always are.
She just sent me the paper's revue which was great even if the revewer
seemed happy that Johnny was back in Europe after a 10 years absence...He
has been touring every year, no exception every since I first saw him in 87!
Monat 04-06 2004 (01-03 / 07-09 - 10-12)
01. April
- Lyon, F - Le Transbordeur (http://www.transbordeur.fr/transbordeur.php4)
02. April - Valence, F
04. April - Toulouse, F - Havana Café
from http://www.harissamusic.com/world.html
En tournée européenne de Juin à Août 2004, après la sortie en mars du premier album live et du premier DVD de sa carrière « Best of Live », chez EMI.
prochains concerts:Pete Richards http://www.chartattack.com/damn/2003/01/2006.cfm
24. April - New Orleans, LA - 9:00 PM The Johnny Clegg Band The Parish At
House of Blues, 225 Decatur Street, New Orleans, LA 70130
25. April - New Orleans, LA - Jazz & Heritage Festival
"I did not buy tickets for
the Friday night concert because it was with Lenny Kravitz and I wasn't sure
if my sister and friend would go with me two nights in a row. Well, that
lasted a few hours. Once I was in town and knew JC was so close....how could
I not go? So, I drug them there, and believe me, they were not in the mood
to see him even though I had played them some cd's to hear his music.
Anyway, it was at an auditorium, but it was very empty. Most of the people
standing up front were there early to get a good spot for Lenny. It was so
awesome when Johnny started playing. He opened with Giyani. The grin on my
face was as big as it could get and my sister immidiately gave me a hug and
told me it was worth it to see me that happy. I couldn't believe I was
finally hearing him live (after 20 years) and he was so close to me, too!
The people around me really started getting into his music, as always
happens when they hear him for the first time. My sister started dancing and
was amazed at how much energy Johnny had. Of course, they were immidiate
converts! He played about 8 songs and the crowd was wild for an encore, but
it did not happen. It was a great show, but left me wanting much more.
Lenny had a great show, too, but my mind was still reeling from Johnny when
he sang. It was a very good evening.
Saturday night was in the Parish room at the House of Blues. It may hold
around 300 people but I am guessing there were only about 200 people there.
My sister and friend were more than happy to come back and we even brought
along another friend. My missions this night were to be close to the stage
and get to talk to Johnny.
I enjoyed talking to all of the South African people there and the fans who
knew his music. I asked around and nobody else was a Scatterling. I sure put
the word out about our list, though, so we may be getting some new people. I
was 4 people back from Johnny, it was so awesome. Again, I had a stupid grin
on my face the whole night. He sang with such energy and soul. His band was
wonderful. Mandisa glowed. He did some dancing and some talking about
musical and political history. The crowd went wild every time he danced. We
sang back to him during many of the songs. It was very interactive and he
looked like he had a lot of fun.
I really enjoyed the talking he did, and how he explained things for new
people (and old). I could also just listen to that accent for hours, I miss
it so much. He makes you feel like you are in the show with him....not many
performers can truly do that.
Sorry, there is so much more to tell, this will be long! After the show
several people gave their t-shirts to the musicians to take back to Johnny
to sign. Mine was in my sister's purse and I was in tears that I missed that
chance. They got their t-shirts back and the word was that Johnny had left.
I talked with some fans and waited, just to be sure.
I talked to Concord (guitar player) and he told me to buy one of his cd's
and he would sign it. BTW...it is an awesome cd and the only one that was on
sale. No Clegg cd's at all....very dissapointed in that. Doesn't he want to
make some money on this tour???? So, Concord signed my cd and I told him my
sob story. The manager was listening and said JC would be out in about 30
minutes. He said they always tell people he has left. So please, if you want
to meet him.....BE PATIENT AND WAIT! I had a great chat with Concord. He
said they had Monday off and were ready to party in N.O. I told him to go to
Tropical Isle and have a Hand Grenade and to be sure to get a Hurricaine (drinks
that New Orleans is famous for). He laughed.
Then, I turned around and JC is standing right there. Too cool! I just stood
and listened to him talk to us. There were only about 20 people left at this
time. He signed a flag for a girl and I asked him to sign my shirt. I then
got to talk to him....he is so gracious and kind. I was amazed. I got to say
most of the things I had practiced saying all day long. I told him I used to
live in Stellenbosch and had seen him in Cape Town in 1984. He thought and
then told me the name of that tour. I told him I was a Parrot Head (Jimmy
Buffett), he looked blankly (of course) and then I mentioned Great Heart and
he laughed. Of couse I told him his version was better, but it was nice to
see someone else cover his music. I thanked him for coming to North America
and told him to come back often. I told him how touched I am by his music
and that many of us Scatterlings are thrilled to have him here.
Wow, nothing can top this, ever. He is number one on my list of famous
people to see, and I have done it. Now, I want to see him some more! I have
relatives in Chicago, I may try and make that happen. Ya'll, it is worth
every sacrifice to see this show and get to talk to him. I am so changed,
and still high on this experience. I keep looking at my pictures. I will
upload some later.
It is so strange that he is so big, yet so unknown. I saw them on Bourbon
St. later (the guitar players) and nobody knows them. I reminded Concord to
get a Hurricaine, it was funny. They say he promoted this tour himself. Do
you think that is true? He needed radio interviews, tv spots, and more
merchandise to sell. People would have bought his cd's.
The set list (I took a picture of it) was: Giyani, Malorjani (hard to read, think this is an error), Universal Men, Africa, Bullets,
Colours of Change, I Call Your Name, Siyayilanda, African Sky Blue, 3rd World Child, Deliwe, Gunship Ghetto, Woza Friday, Impi, Great Heart, Cruel, Crazy, Beautiful World, Encore: Scatterlings and Dela (my sister's new favorite song)
Good luck, travel safe, enjoy your experiences, and thank you for letting me
share. After years of hearing about his other concerts, it was fantastic to
be able to write about seeing one myself. I will end as Johnny did:
27. April - Birmingham, AL - Workplay Theatre
I recently subscribed to the
list and I wanted to let everyone know about the Birmingham, Alabama show.
The show started pretty close to the advertised time and there was no
opening act--not that they needed one. The band really seemed to enjoy
themselves on stage, and Johnny gave the story behind most of the songs
before playing them.
I'd estimate there were around 200 people at the show (though I may be off a
bit). Despite the smallish crowd, there was magic in the air! It didn't take
long before people stood up from their tables and started dancing. He played
only one encore, even though the crowd cheered for another. The show SEEMED
incredibly short, but I realize that I'm biased and a 3-hour show would seem
to short. After the show, Johnny, and other members of the group, walked
around the venue talking with people and signing autographs.
Here's a list of the songs they played, albeit in a different order I'm sure: Giyani, Great Heart, I Call Your Name, Universal Men, Journey's End, Woza Friday, Deliwe, Bullets for Bafazane, Gunship Ghetto, Africa, Third World Child, Cruel, Crazy, Beautiful World, Scatterlings of Africa, ENCORE: Dela
29. April - Atlanta, Variety Playhouse - THE JOHNNY CLEGG BAND featuring the
music of JULUKA and SAVUKA 8pm, $20
The white, English-speaking society and Black, African culture of South Africa
was brought together by Johnny Clegg. He formed South Africa's first
multi-racial band, Juluka. Both with Juluka and with his later band, Savuka,
Clegg blends African music with European pop influences.
The Johnny Clegg concert was
AWESOME!!! My estimation is that the venue was full (but not sold out).
There were certainly more people for this show than the Angelique Kidjo
concert in 2002. I would guess that we had a large contingent of South
Africans at the concert (Atlanta has a large South African community--possibly because Atlanta is quite similar to Johannesburg in many
respects). The crowd was enthusiastic and the songs that got the most cheers
and applause were "Impi", "Great Heart" and "Scatterlings of Africa." I
noticed that a lot of people I looked at didn't seem to know his newer songs
"Colours of Change", "Into the Picture" or even "Journey's End" (from "Crocodile
Love"), or they didn't sing along with it as they did other songs.
At the beginning of the concert Johnny mentioned that the tour kind of fell
into place after the New Orleans Jazz festival had invited him to perform
there this year. He also explained some of the backstory of songs like "Bullets
for Bafazane", "Impi", and went into professor mode, talking about DNA and
the seven daughters of Eve and how Africa is the motherland of all humanity
before performing "Scatterlings of Africa." He even spoke a little about how
totalitarian governments try to "totalize your experience" and that they had
to be creative in their political songs, before saying, "this next song is a
love song" ("Colours of Change"). That got some laughs.
A group of us were able to go backstage after the show. It was actually
outside the theater. When I presented Johnny with the personalized Utah
license plate ("SAVUKA") he said that he remembered me from when I gave him
the Virginia license plate eight years ago and that he still had it. He was
gracious, warm, funny, easy to talk to with all of the fans who got to meet
him, and he signed everything presented to him (though I'm still not sure
about his sweaty towel that one member confiscated!!!).
I heard someone ahead of me ask Johnny about writing a book or something,
but I didn't hear his answer. I did ask about when the DVD would be released
in the states, and his roadie said mid June it will be out. They are
converting it to NTSC and found a distributor. Someone had asked about why
his cds weren't for sale, and Johnny said it was because of some
distribution rights which he hadn't secured yet. They are supposed to have
CDs for sale when Johnny returns stateside for the concerts in June.
Now...tips on how to meet Johnny when he comes to your city. There is one
Roadie/security guy who looks Samoan, and another one kind of looks like a
younger version of Johnny (didn't get his name). Just look for any guy with
a laminated "ALL ACCESS" pass around their necks and say that you are a
member of the Scatterlings mailing list. Wait after the show by one of the
stage doors where they are standing and have a conversation with them.
You'll get in and back to meet Johnny. Then let us know how it went.
It was great and well worth the eight year wait. Though I hope he doesn't
wait another eight years to tour the states. But I just want to say thank
you Johnny and crew, and the scatterlings list for being the enthusiastic
supporters we are.
The Atlanta concert was
wonderful!!!! Johnny was in top form. He introduced quite a few of the songs
with comments on what the song was about or what was going on at the time.
He did not mention any political issues except from a historical perspective.
The song set included every song I wanted to hear. The encore left me
satisfied. Wow!
For those who will be attending future shows, the band members were up on
stage signing autographs after the concert. A number of fans were gathered
waiting to meet Johnny near the backstage door. It turned out that Johnny
was sitting outside (it was a very nice night) greeting fans one at a time.
Security allowed a maximum of 10 of us to wait in line to meet Johnny. We
each had as much time as we wanted to talk to Johnny, pose for pictures and
obtain autographs. Everyone who waited was able to get through the line.
Mandisa didn't come out until just before leaving.
Most of the Scats hung around while everyone else went through the line with
some additional conversations going back a forth. Johnny did acknowledge
Scatterlings and even was trying to remember which city Sheila resides in. I
was left with the impression that Johnny appreciates our group and is very
aware of us (but maybe he isn't all the comfortable with the potential "idol"
worship). Johnny did say he wants to try to put a college tour together for
a future year. Maybe we won't have to wait 8 years to see him again.
30. April - Memphis, TN Beale Street Festival
Mai 2004 Tourdates in USA/SA
01.Mai Tribeca Film Fest Opening Night-Johnny Clegg and Dance, Dance, Dancing!
"....Not having read the program of the
evening, I was thrilled to find that none other than South African legend
Johnny Clegg. Often referred to as the “White Zulu,” Clegg
grew up in Zimbabwe and South Africa and has become one of the most famous and
accomplished symbols of black/white musical and cultural integration. Not only
that, their short set rocked, with Clegg playing my favorite song of his,
After Clegg’s performance finished, the DJ went back to playing African music
and a traditional South African dance circle formed,.....
02. Mai - West Palm Beach, FL Sunfest
SunFest radiates
with quality music
By Charles Passy, Palm Beach Post Arts Writer
Monday, May 3, 2004
WEST PALM BEACH -- Pick an idol, any
SunFest's final-day edition put a variety of stars -- past, present and
soon-to-explode -- on its three stages. The Sunday lineup played to the
festival's something-for-everyone approach without negating quality,
particularly in the case of a couple of afternoon acts.
The pick of the day had to be South African world-beat legend Johnny
Clegg, making a rare appearance in South Florida on the 10th anniversary of
his country's embrace of democracy. Clegg's afternoon show, which was capped
by a surprise appearance by Palm Beach's resident musical great, Jimmy
Buffett, offered a soulful demonstration of what happens when you mix South
African rhythms with rock 'n' roll showmanship.
This wasn't world music watered down to suit a mainstream sensibility.
Rather, it was a humble folk expression turned into a telling cross-cultural
statement, both lyrically and musically. As he sang about his country's
history of strife and its sheer natural beauty, Clegg seemed as much an
instrument of peace as a musician. But the songs became all the more potent
because the tunes have been retooled in a contemporary pop framework. It
would be great to see SunFest bring this artist back....
07. Mai - Durban, SA -
19.-30. Mai - Johannesburg, SA, Civic Theatre A South African Story Part 2
2002 saw Johnny Clegg performing one of his most successful shows ever, with over 25 000 people flocking to see the show in Johannesburg alone. Now, two years later, Clegg and his band return to the stage to bring you A South African Story Part 2! The show highlights his musical and cultural influences as well as the extraordinary events that have made him an international superstar! Audiences will be entertained and enlightened as Johnny continues his South African Story, using amusing anecdotes, historical bits 'n pieces and anthropological facts - all culminating in a fascinating life story. The kind of story that legends are made of!
Johnny back for an encore
May 24, 2004 By Chandrea Gerber
JOHNNY Clegg, the South African icon who is affectionately known as "Le Zulu
Blanc", returns to the Johannesburg Civic Theatre for the second part of 'A
South African Story' - but for two weeks only.
The show, which runs from 19 to 30 May, highlights the people and events on
his path to international stardom.
In 2002 more than 25 000 people in Jozi alone enjoyed the first chapter of 'A
South African Story'. Now, two years later, he's back to continue that story.
The show traces Clegg's musical and cultural influences, and the extraordinary
and inspiring events that led to him to become an internationally acclaimed
Clegg has been hailed as the first white musician to successfully cross over
into maskande and mbaqanga.
Now he shares anecdotes, historical bits-and-pieces and anthropological facts
that reveal a fascinating life - the kind of which legends are made.
"We promote our Nelson Mandela Theatre as the home for the best of both global
and South African live entertainment," says the Johannesburg Civic Theatre's
chief executive, Bernard Jay.
But, he says, it's not often that any theatre can offer both - "a true South
African global superstar".
"He not only packs the house, but achieves the kind of nightly standing
ovations we are very proud of," Jay adds.
Catch Johnny Clegg's 'A South African Story: Part Two' at the Nelson Mandela
Theatre at the Civic from 19 to 30 May.
Tickets, from R125 to R275, can be booked through Computicket on 011 340 8000,
or at www.computicket.com.
"....but a friend of mine is there though and
he is going to give me the run down. I believe it is called "A South African
Story Part II", which is a sequel to the 1st set of concerts he had about a
year ago here in SA. The story is really amazing, tells more indepth stories
and South African jokes etc. and even shows how the dances all came about.
Each move is shown individually and what it means, and then he gets everyone
in the audience to give it a try. Quite fun and everyone has a good laugh! I
am also told that a lot of the newer songs are played."...
Chandrea Gerber Posted
Wed, 26 May 2004
Johnny Clegg, the South African icon who is affectionately known as 'Le Zulu
Blanc', returns to the Johannesburg Civic Theatre for the second part of 'A
South African Story' - but for two weeks only.
The show, which runs from May 19 to 30, highlights the people and events on
his path to international stardom.
In 2002 more than 25 000 people in Jozi alone enjoyed the first chapter of
'A South African Story'. Now, two years later, he's back to continue that
The show traces Clegg's musical and cultural influences, and the
extraordinary and inspiring events that led to him to become an
internationally acclaimed performer.
Clegg has been hailed as the first white musician to successfully cross over
into maskande and mbaqanga.
Now he shares anecdotes, historical bits-and-pieces and anthropological
facts that reveal a fascinating life - the kind of which legends are made.
"We promote our Nelson Mandela Theatre as the home for the best of both
global and South African live entertainment," says the Johannesburg Civic
Theatre's chief executive, Bernard Jay.
But, he says, it's not often that any theatre can offer both - "a true South
African global superstar".
"He not only packs the house, but achieves the kind of nightly standing
ovations we are very proud of," Jay adds.
Catch Johnny Clegg's 'A South African Story: Part Two' at the Nelson Mandela
Theatre at the Civic from May 19 to 30. Tickets, from R125 to R275, can be
booked through Computicket.
Juni 2004 Tourdates in F/CH/UK/CA/USA
04. Juni - Festival de Parigny-les-Vaux, F
05. Juni - Fossy, F
March 22, 2004
Johnny Clegg kommt für 2 Konzerte
in die Schweiz. Anlässlich der Kampagne "10Jahre neues Südafrika - die
Schweiz feiert", spielt er mit seiner 10-köpfigen Band am extra für die
Kampagne organisierten Südafrika Tag in Neuchâtel und 2 Tage danach im
Zürcher Volkshaus.
06. Juni Neuchatel, CH http://www.festineuch.ch/index.php?page=photos und Johnny Clegg & Godessa
June 7, 2004
Mit Begeisterung wurde
Johnny Clegg in Neuchâtel von 4000
Zuschauern gefeiert. Anlässlich dieses speziellen Südafrika Tages am
Festineuch begleitete ein Chor von 250 Kindern aus der Region
den "weissen Zulu" bei der Zugabe "Asimbonanga".
"It was a beautiful summer Sunday just after noon when I started my 2.5 hours drive
together with my girlfriend to get to Neuchatel. When we arrived there I
heard some familiar notes. On request we were told that it was Johnny giving
an afternoon concert for kids. But as it turned out this information turned
out not to be the full truth, the wanted to keep the surprice (later more).
The start of the festival was a bit delayed but it was worth waiting. The
happening started up with a group of young Xhosa percussionists and three
8-12 years old girls dancing. They were followed by another percussion group
with teenaged dancers having also two younger girls with them. But the most
surprising thing was an about 3 years old boy practicing dancing as we know
it of Johnny in his best years, this was just amazing. Shortly after those
two groups there was “Godessa” on a side stage, this is a female South
African Hip-Hop group and worth an ear. - “Godessa” was followed by “Bongo
Maffin” which wasn’t my taste of all.
At 20:30 Johnny started his concert after 150 3rd and 4th graders having
sung the South African national anthem in 4 tongues. The same song list was
pretty much the same as in the USA with one exception the US encore
Asimbonanga was not an encore but part of the program as it was sung
together with the 150 pupils. At the end of the concert the crowd sung
“Happy birthday” and Johnny got a birthday present of the organizer and one
of me.
Unfortunately it was forbidden to take cameras inside so that I was not able
to take pictures but right after the concert I managed to get through to the
artists exit where I waited for the group to leave they didn’t have to much
time before leaving and Johnny quitted giving autographs to the staff all of
a sudden and walked to the buses where I was waiting with my girlfriend and
two others. Up to then we already had all autographs except for Johnny’s and
Andy’s on the backside of my Scatterlings 2004 T-shirt ordered from
cafeshops.com. As he saw me he stopped, took my pen, signed the T-shit and
said that he spotted me standing tall (1.92 meters approx. 9 feet) second
row right in front of him during the concert and that “he burned for me”
(during the encore he actually had pointed his finger at me an my girlfriend
whilst singing this words) and off he went and I promised to be present at
the Volkshaus at Zurich on Tuesday evening.
Posted by Andy 07.06.2004 19:27
P.S.: Finally I also got the autograph of Andy."
07. Juni - London, GB JOHNNY CLEGG IN LONDON FOR ONE-OFF SHOW *his Birthday!!*
Amabala Records presents Johnny Clegg in London for ONE SHOW ONLY at the Carling Apollo Hammersmith on June 7th. This will be one of the biggest South African events in London this year. Due to other European performances there will only be one show so tickets are limited. You can book by going to http://www.amabala.co.uk
"It was
actually the London concert doubling up as a birthday party. The faithful
had turned up determined to let him know that we knew.
It was a very different type of concert to the one I went to in Paris. For a
start all the seats were taken out of the stalls so people could dance
straight away and upstairs joined in a little later. In all there were
approx 5000 there . The place was huge, the crowd was militant they wanted
Johnny. The support acts had a tough time, they just weren't what was wanted
on the night although whoever they were , were very good.
In truth I don't think Johnny was fully fit, I lost the explanation in the
cheering when he came on but he was full of Voltarin a powerful painkiller.
I actually thought he was dying on stage for the first 3 or 4 numbers .
There were technical problems and Colours of Change was abandoned before it
got started, it was re-done later on.
As I said I thought there was something wrong , the songs seemed too slow
Universal Men has gone back to the old words but really slowed down.
For the first time in my life I was actually worried that it just wasn't
working, the he played Africa (What made you so strong) and the place just
erupted. Hammersmith came to life, forget the polite applause , this was now
raucous approval and I'm sure the band fed on this energy.
It was as if the band needed the reassurance that the crowd wanted them
there. After this hiccup it was as if he could do no wrong and and we were
in the palm of his hand.
I was a bit naughty I took my kids of 12, and 8 along , they will struggle
at school today but they absolutely loved it , dancing , singing whistling.
There were no 'new' songs played but quite a few re-workings.Deliwe has now
been jazzed up, it was really very pleasant.
Two band members who I saw in Paris weren't there last night , but no
explanation, Neil Gonsalves on keyboards and no Bongani Masuka dancer
and vocals. Poor Brendan Ross had to work extra hard last night.
Saxophone, clarinet and keyboards. He was just awesome.
Mandisa just has to start dancing and the crowd goes crazy, she is so loved,
and her voice. She always brings tears to my eyes with her part in
Asimbonanga, last night was no exception. Very moving.
The encore was three songs finishing with Impi. By this stage the crowd were
baying for it. Whether it was due to be played or not Johnny obliged.
And just as they were packing up to go Concord , Brendan, and Andy started
playing 'Happy Birthday', the crowd started singing and all his technicians
and backstage staff came on with a cake and candles. Johnny was visibly
moved, he blew the candles out in one go, the crowd cheered, Mandisa walked
across stage and hugged Johnny, the crowd cheered louder. The loudest cheer
was 'our present', as a special thank-you to us they did an Accopella
version of Hambile with a bit of dancing.
I got the impression Johnny was trying to avoid the dance , but the
challenge was clearly layed down by his dancing partner. He accepted and you
guessed it we cheered all over again.
We had a ringing endosement from Johnny, 'This is probably the best concert
we'll play on tour'. I think he does have a special affinity for London,
however it must be put in context the majority of the crowd are South
I didn't see any Scatterlings shirts last night , there were just too many
people, I know Margaret from Dublin was there somewhere, but again I
couldn't locate her.
What would now make this year complete for me , would be to a concert in
North America, and the announcement of another album. I know I don't ask
much, but you have to dream.
All the best"
Posted by Don 08.06.2004 10:30
London 2004 -
(Original und weitere Photos hier)
"Hi All,
I'm just back from a whirlwind trip to London. I flew to London Monday
and met up with Ivonne from this list and her friends just before the
concert. Don lost his mobile so we didn't manage to meet up at the concert,
but we eventually made contact to-day!
It was a hot and sticky evening in London but that didn't stop us from
getting a place at the front of the queue so when the doors opened we were
able to get places at the front of the stage - wow! As Don mentioned, the
crowd were mainly young South Africans - the same as the Hammersmith concert
in 2001. They knew all the old songs but anything new, such as "Into The
Picture" or "Colours of Change" was definitely foreign to them and didn't
get much of a reaction.. Johnny said that he was on steroids because of a
throat problem, but from the way he was acting, I think he had had something
a bit stronger! ;-)
Musically, it may not have been his best concert - he fluffed the lines of a
few songs, couldn't seem to get the timing right in others and the band
almost fell apart trying to introduce Colours of Change twice but I have to
say that this was one of the most amazing Clegg concerts I've seen. The
crowd were going wild and he had to take a long pause after "Great Heart"
because the reaction was extremely vocal! As I was at the front of the stage,
I didn't notice the bad acoustics of the theatre and was able to really
enjoy the concert. It's a rare treat for me to have a totally unrestricted
direct view of the stage and I loved every minute of it. Clegg himself said
that this was his most memorable concert of the tour.
There were some changes to the Paris setlist; I'm not sure how this compares
to the US set list as I can't find the email that someone posted from the US
but anyway:
Take My Heart Away was added, as was Universal Men, Deliwe and Impi but
there was no Ring on Her Finger or Gijembeke. The "dance" song at the end
was new to me.
There were absolutely no restrictions on taking photos at the venue. One of
the security guards actually obliged us by taking a group photo of us! I
brought along my digital camera to see how it would fare at a concert venue.
My "normal" camera doesn't have a zoom so I wanted to try to get some
close-ups. I got one or two good photos but had a few battles with my flash.
I'll get the photos up on the web somehow, but not to-day. I've had a long
two days and I'm wrecked but it was worth it!!"
Posted by Margaret 08.06.2004 20:59
Johnny Clegg @ The Hammersmith Carling Apollo, London, 7 June 2004
'Johnny! Johnny! Johnny!'. It's hot. Savuka - Sweat. 'Johnny! Johnny!
Johnny!'. Asimbonanga, we have not seen him. 'Johnny! Johnny! Johnny!'.
Don't touch the atmosphere - Danger! Gevaar! Ingozi! 'Johnny! Johnny!
Johnny!' It's louder, it's growing till the light momentarily fades and a
deafening wave engulfs the faithful. 'JOHNNY! JOHNNY! JOHNNY!'. Bodies press
close in the heat, necks crane for glimpses. 'Hello? I'm at a Johnny Clegg
Concert. I SAID I'M AT A JOHNNY CLEGG CONCERT!!!'. Hold the phone for all to
hear, can't hear me, only 'Johnny! Johnny! Johnny!'.
I'm no longer searching for the spirit of the Great Heart, it's here (and
hear) in the heat in the heart of London. A pulsating throng cajoling
'Asimbonanga', pleading 'Scatterlings'!!! DEMANDING 'IMPI'!!!. I think I
know why the dog howls at the moon. Do I? Do I care? I know why we howl at
the man, howl with the man. Karaoke never felt so good. 'Dela'. We wave in
time, mass aerobics. Words, rhythms, sounds cascade over us. We hear Africa,
we see brightness, we breathe sunshine. We are sitting on the top of
Kilimanjaro (but don't hear it).
'Steven Biko' - a roar, at last a hero to the pale. The white black's back
and white backs black. 'All Along the River' - a flood of emotion and
voices. We are Impi, we are warriors of the beat. We are dance warriors as
we jostle with each other for our allotted space.
'Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Johnny! Johnny! Johnny!' Two
score years and ten (plus one for the road, on the road) today. White Zulu
51 years young. He's moved, we're moved, we move. Hambile - The Dance, you
know...THE dance. A frenzy as the drum speaks and the dancers move
Well did you evah? No, not like this, not quite so intense, so together, the
crowd, the band the music, the rhythms as one. One heaving, dancing,
singing, shouting peaceful militants mass. The rainbow man reigns supreme.
My hands are sore from clapping, my throat is raw from singing and if the
Hammersmith Apollo wasn't an all seating venue I would probably have put my
back out trying some high kicking Zulu dancing, and do I care? Hell no, I've
just watched Johnny Clegg.
He may have aged a bit, lost some hair, gained a few kilo's and the dancing
is more sedate than what we have been used to, but the power and the passion
is still there in the music. The crowded venue was on its feet throughout,
dancing and singing along to a greatest hits (Juluka & Savuka) package of
life and Africa, wrapped in pure energy. Roars of appreciation went up as
favourites were recognised and none more so than for 'Impi', where the
proverbial roof was raised, rarely have I seen one song so eagerly
anticipated and so gratefully received.
After the first few songs, he slowed the pace with a sit down acoustic set,
starting with 'African Sky Blue' that had us immediately standing again and
singing 'Ian Botham' along with his 'yum bo hum'. An interesting addition to
the Johnny Clegg sound was some jazzy interludes during one or two of the
songs. This was slightly at odds with the driving Afro rock that I have been
used to from him but added a new dimension to his music.
The South African press in London seems to be currently bombarded with
letters from ex-pats who love South Africa, but only the old South Africa.
However it was heartening to hear the roar that went up when, for his encore
he launched into one of his most moving songs, 'Asimbonanga' and it was lump
in the throat time when he came to the 'role of honour' bit and cheers went
up for Steven Biko and Victoria Mxgenge. His intros to the various songs
gave insight to the songs' meanings and inspirations as well as giving us a
good helping of social and political messages, without pushing the impatient
in the audience too far.
From what I witnessed tonight, it is no small wonder than Johnny Clegg has
been one of South Africa's most successful artists on the international
stage. His powerful sounds and lyrics helped many of us through the dark
days of apartheid, yet such is the depth of his songs that 7 years after the
fall of apartheid, they still sound fresh and relevant.
Full marks to the sponsors, 1st Contact for a well organised concert, full
marks to the audience for their response, and of course full marks to Johnny
for giving his all. Nkosi si'kelele iJohnny Clegg.
08. Juni Zürich, CH
concert in Zurich was great, much better than the one on Sunday in
Neuchatel. It took place at a not too big location and the atmosphere was
breathtaking on the one hand it was hot and sticky on the other the crowed
went wild. Johnny was still full of Voltaren and talked of him self as "The
Voltaren Man". He was much more talkative during the venue than he was in
Neuchatel, explaining some songs and telling stories from South Africa and
funny episodes from the tour. Once he talked in his philosophical and
sophisticated manner he was hardly to stop, not even by Mandisa who once
brought him a mug of water while he was talking. Johnny just said that this
always happens when he talks too long and continued ;-).
After the concert I managed to get hold of the play list and this is what it
looked like: Emalonjeni
/ Universal Man / Africa / Bullets / Colours Of Change / I Call Your Name / Africa Sky Blue
/ 3rd World Child / Into The Picture / Great Heart / Take My Heart Away / Cruel Crazy
/ Scats / As encores: Asimbonanga / Dela
Giyani (was set as opening song but to take care of his voice he did it
last) Also set as encores would have been "Woza Friday" and "Impi" but as he
was too tired from celebrating his birthday and as he was not healthy enough,
as mentioned above, he let those two songs aside.
My patience after the show was worth it together with a close friend of the
band Concord led me into the backstage area where we (that close friend of
the group, Mandisa, Concord and me) had a little talk and were taking a few
pictures. Johnny was in a separate room welcoming a hand full of visitors
and giving a few autographs. When he noticed me just before leaving he
remembered having seen me and signed my T-shirt on Sunday and was, even
though very tired willing to do a photo and asked me where I would turn up
next. - I don't know, I had to answer, but I hope that I'll manage to make
it to the Mont-St-Michel venue.
Folks, it was great to be there and every one who wasn't missed a great eve.
Keep on going"
Posted by Andy 09.06.2004 19:58
11. Juni - Montereau, CH
Montereau 2004
(Original und weitere Photos hier)
Have you nominated your great South African?
The search for the greatest South African has begun, with some likely and
not-so-likely recipients being nominated already.
As can be expected, former president Nelson Mandela is leading the pack with
1 000 nominations out of 8 000 in the first week of voting.
But SABC3, which is running the Great South Africans Project, has been thrown
some curve balls, with Teazers strip club owner Lolly Jackson, apartheid
architect Hendrik Verwoerd and Vlakplaas commander Eugene de Kock picking up
So far a total of 400 people, including Christiaan Barnard, Brenda Fassie, Mrs
Ples (the skull of a hominid found in the Cradle of Humankind) and Johnny
Clegg have all been nominated.
The Great South Africans project is modelled on the acclaimed and successful
BBC show Great Britons. The British public voted Sir Winston Churchill the
greatest Briton of all time following a nationwide poll that attracted more
than a million votes.
South Africans now have the opportunity to nominate the person they believe is
the greatest.
The SABC is encouraging the voting public to think of South Africans in
connection with certain criteria, such as talent, leadership, compassion,
courage and impact.
"People should nominate people from various walks of life, from sportspeople
to musicians, from business people to entertainers, from politicians to
traditional healers," a statement read.
According to the statement, a great South African can be anyone who was born,
or who has lived in South Africa, and played a significant role in the
country's life and development.
Once the great South African has been selected, that person will go into a
"Great Human" contest, where winners from each country will be pitted against
each other. Germany, France, Canada and Russia are already running their own
The public can call or send an SMS to 083 920 6933 to enter their nominations
or can do so on the SABC 3 website on
Nominations close on June 30.
From the nominations, the top 10 will be presented and you, the public, will
vote for the greatest out of these top nominations.
17. Juni - San Diego, CA -
California Humphries
Welcome to an
active social & networking club for Southern Africans in the USA
San Diego get together
for a catered braai & a Johnny Clegg / Hugh Masakela Concert on June 17,
Founded by Derek Selbo one
"lus for a braai day" in 1990 , the Braai Connection evolved into a
networking and social club that hosts braai's and other events in Southern
California and Central Florida.
We are a non-political, non-profit
organization. The club was formed for South Africans & Zimbabweans, and we
welcome & encourage others with ties to the region to join us at the events.
Come eat some traditional SA foods, meet the worlds friendliest people and
win rafflle prizes.
The club and it's events assist new arrivals to feel "more at home" and
quickly become acquainted with life in the USA. It provides a simple way to
establish a social circle between people that share similar humour, and
culture. Many an "old friendship" has been renewed at these events.
Make no mistake, this is NOT a "when-we" club. It's all about now,
today and enjoying life with a lekker stukkie wors and a cold Castle or
bottle of Meerlust, here in the USA, our "new" home.
The web site also functions as a tool for you to locate qulified services
such as: Fantastic phone rates to SA and elsewhere, Travel agents
specializing in low SA fares, Legal and Immigration Assistance, sources of
your favourite SA foods, job openings and links to useful sites etc. Just
click on the link for SA Products and Services & you will find great deals
such as the one below.
Event Profile
In the 1970s and '80s, musician Johnny Clegg unapologetically
confronted South Africa's apartheid scourge head-on. His Afro-pop career has
spanned more than 25 years, and through music he creates a driving rhythmic
universe that's hard-pressed to fail.
Born in 1953 in Lancashire, England, Clegg moved to Africa as a boy, finally
rooting with his family in South Africa. He played guitar as a teen,
eventually learning street music along the busy corridors of Johannesburg.
Clegg, a white man, joined forces with Zulu musician Sipho Mchunu, a black
man, to form the rhythmic ensemble Juluka. The collaboration was successful
where it counts, in the streets. But national and international voice would
take time, particularly with Clegg's unflappable political message against
social and political oppression.
Gaining underground favor at festivals, Clegg and Juluka released "Universal
Man" in 1979, an album that struggled in apartheid's grip until word-of-mouth
prevailed. The band found pockets of international support throughout the
'80s, starting with an '81 appearance in West Germany with Ladysmith Black
Though Juluka's round percussive sound found success, political battles proved
too distracting and the band split in 1986. Soon after, Clegg released a solo
album ("Third World Child") and signed on with the ensemble group, Savuka. In
1989, Clegg and Savuka's "Scatterlings of Africa" (from "In My African Dream")
appeared in the Tom Cruise-Dustin Hoffman blockbuster, "Rain Man."
Clegg last performed at Humphrey's in 1996, leaving a fully-charged audience
wanting more. Clegg's latest is "New World Survivor." He's joined by venerable
jazzy musician Hugh Masekela at this year's Humphrey's show.
Leah Laux, SignOnSanDiego
CLICK on this text for details on the Johnny Clegg / Hugh Masakela concert
and dinner.
Jonny Clegg / Hugh
Masakela concert &dinner - Thursday
June 17th 2004 - San Diego, California
Come meet Johnny and Hugh and join us for an
exciting evening of great music from two talented South African musicians,
Johnny Clegg of (Juluka / Savuka ) fame and the incredible jazz trumpeter,
Hugh Masakela ("Grazing in the Grass").
The show begins at 7pm at Humphreys Concerts in Shelter Island. There will
be a catered dinner beforehand from 5PM onwards across the road from Humphreys
on the waterfront! Both musicians will be there for a meet and greet.
Your dinner will include: Boerewors Rolls, Chicken Curry and Rice, Samp &
Beans & Meat stew, Garden Salad and delicious homemade Melktert for desert.
Bring your own drinks.
We are doing a block booking for
the concert. Pam Nathan of SAJAC is handling this and she can be contacted
via e-mail at regarding tickets. The
deadline is May 13th.
The dinner needs to be pre-paid and a check made to
Derek Selbo in the amount of $10 per person. It's an excellent deal. See
details below. The deadline to send in your dinner payment is June 6th. Feel
free to invite as many guests as you wish.
Dinner Tickets
Send a check for $10 per person by the 6th June to:Derek Selbo,
6060 Corte Del Cedro, Carlsbad, CA 92009. Check must be made payable to
Derek Selbo. Attach a note with the check stating the full names of the
people who the payment is for.
The dinner will be on the lawn on the ocean-side opposite Humphreys
concert hall (facing Coronado). Bring blankets or folding chairs to
sit on!
Directions from the North Take Interstate 5 (South) to Rosecrans
exit. Follow Rosecrans (heading West) to Shelter Island Drive (about 5 miles).
turn Left on Shelter Island Drive. Humphrey's Half Moon Inn & Suites is on
the right side. Plenty of street parking is available.
Use mapquest or yahoo maps for directions from other places. 2241 Shelter Island Drive,
San Diego, CA 92106
Concert Tickets
Johnny Clegg and Hugh Masekela will be appearing at Humphreys on
Thurrsday, June 17th. Tickets for the show are $44.00 (including the
booking fee) Block booking for SAJAC entitles us to $2.00 saving per ticket.
I went to the San Diego Show at Humphrey's. I had a room overlooking the venue
so I was able to watch the sound check too.
The first part of the show was pretty mellow compared to the shows I saw I
Paris in March and in Thonon last summer. Some of the arrangements seemed a
bit different too, sounding a little "jazz/blues". They were without their
keyboard player, so Brendan Ross not only played his horns as magnificently as
usual, but he took over the keyboard duties as well. The band sounded great as
did Johnny. Huge Masakela was great as an opening act. Johnny took the stage
at 9 PM. The venue requires that the show end by 10:30, so at 10:15 the band
left the stage. I was in the first row, so I heard even Mandisa say, "That's
all?" (We felt the same way.) They did one encore of just 2 songs. They took
their bows and were gone Johnny talked a lot between songs, which is always
great because he is such a great story teller. But, with the required 10:30
curfew, they did a lot less songs than I expected.
When they finally picked up the pace, everyone was on their feet dancing. Some
people came down to the front of the stage to dance. It was great. It became
the Johnny Clegg show that I love. I think Johnny would have continued playing
had the venue not required the 10:30 PM limit.
I will be seeing them again in NYC and hope that the show "rocks" there. I
love to dance to Johnny's music and like the less mild versions of his songs.
Still, that said, the show in San Diego was great. I'm glad I made the trip
cross country to hear them again."
Posted by Regards, Judy 22.06.2004 20:16
18. Juni - Los
Vegas, CA HOB
19. Juni - Los Angeles/Hollywood
08:30 PM
House of Blues Sunset Strip 8430 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, CA
"I'm not
coherent enough to write a concert review, can't remember all the songlist, so
I'll leave that to more competent Scatterlings.It was wonderful! Began late
but ended after 23:00.
Lots of exposition by Johnny between songs, and dancing! I think more dancing
by Johnny himself than he did at the '96 Universal Amphitheatre show; less by
the other bandmates except Mandisa, who was in good form. As Cathy said, "He
needed a bigger stage!" as Johnny didn't really have enough room to move about;
definitely too small for him and Mandi to really shine, but we enjoyed them
dancing together. No stick dancing.
As Johnny promised, the set ranged through the years of material and some
songs were reworked. They opened with 'Giyana'. NWS was represented by 'Into
the Picture' and 'Colours of Change'. 'Great Heart', 'Scatterlings', 'Third
World Child', 'Africa' [reworked from what I remember] were singalongs.
Encores 'Asimbonanga' and 'Dela' were singalongs also. I think TWC was
most-represented, with 'Giyana', 'Great Heart', 'Asimbonanga', 'Scatterlings',
'Third World Child'. I remember 'Digging for Some Words'. 'Tough Enough'.
'African Sky Blue'. Someone will have to help me with the Zulu-titled songs.
Can't recall which song he introduced as mbaquanga. 'Bullets for Bafazane' and
its story continue in the lineup. OK, so this *is* sort of a review.
Lastly, Johnny is more solidly built now. He did all his playing, singing,
dancing marvelously, but was short of breath speaking between songs. He also
said something about "seeing white spots" sometimes these days after his
spinning dancing- the spins had gotten an ovation of course.The head-high
kicks were limited to the arms-linked all-band bows after the encores-- but he
got his foot up there! We were amazed."
Posted by Cerrberus 20.06.2004 20:22
20. Juni -
Anaheim, CA - HOB
21. Juni - San Francisco, CA - Filmore
"Well, I'm not
sure I'm the best reporter - sorry, Andy in VT - but am delighted to share a
bit of my personal experience of a fabulous JC show at the Fillmore last night.
It was my first time ever at a JC concert, though I've been on the list for
years and have been listening to him since the 'eighties, so it was almost
surreal to hear the real thing, especially standing so close to the stage.
The Fillmore is actually a fairly small venue, and anyone that wanted to get
up close could easily do so - and most of the Scats did, of course. :-)
....I believe the set was identical to Southern CA shows (other Scats can
correct me if I'm wrong here) and waaaaaaay too short. I felt that the show
ended so soon after it began. I'm sure they played for a reasonable time but
since I could've listened for hours, it was really too brief for me. I also
think that as enthusiastic as the crowd was about the music, the SF audience
was really pretty sedate, and at the end, after the official encore, the crowd
didn't even try to get the band to stay onstage.
All that aside, the music and dancing was utterly compelling - Mandisa's dance
moves and her dance duos with Johnny were a real standout. I found "Great
Heart" to be one of the most personally uplifting songs they performed, though
I wouldn't have picked it as my favorite from the set list. So wonderful to
hear "Dela" live - wow.Folks who attended the Southern CA concerts said Johnny
talked less at the SF show - but the time he did spend time introducing songs
(like Bullets for Bafazane) was just fascinating, and his dry wit pervaded.
.... and then be part of a little group singing Happy Birthday to Mandisa. (As
most of them had South African accents, it was actually more like Happy
Birt-Day). I got pretty shy - there's something kind of weird about trying to
get more out of a performer who's just sung his heart out onstage - feels a
bit greedy - but managed to tell him how much I enjoyed the concert,
especially Great Heart, and he promised to come back to the U.S. every year,
and we even shook on it.
Later, downstairs, several of us got to chat awhile with Brendan Ross (sax,
keyboards, vocals) who is just a delight. He talked alot about band chemistry
from night to night - and interestingly enough, didn't feel it had all that
much to do with audience response either way - some performances they gel,
sometimes they don't.
....I can't wait until NEXT year. ....."
Posted by Stacy in CA 23.06.2004 08:53
22. Juni - Portland, OR - Aladdin
(Aladdin, 3017 SE Milwaukie) In 1979, Johnny Clegg (a white African) and Sipho Mchunu (a black African) formed a group called Juluka. This was during a time in South Africa when it was illegal and even dangerous for blacks and whites to mix. Impressively, Juluka's music (a fusion of American rock and African pop) transcended the seemingly inflexible limitations of apartheid and became hugely popular. Disgusted with success (so the story went), Mchunu left the group in the mid-'80s and became a farmer; Johnny Clegg went on to form Johnny Clegg and Savuka, a band that had global recognition for a moment (1988 to 1992). Juluka is responsible for one of the most beautiful African pop songs ever written, "Woza Friday." CHARLES MUDEDE http://www.portlandmercury.com/portland/Content?oid=31500&category=22187
Clegg finds his place
Friday, June 18, 2004 LYNN DARROCH
They called him "the White Zulu." But it was
never that simple for Johnny Clegg.
Though he became a member of three Zulu tribes and learned their language,
music and folklore, he wasn't just putting on blackface.
Throughout his career, Clegg, 51, who returns to Portland on Tuesday for the
first time in eight years, has developed an inclusive popular music in which
his European roots are blended with South African culture. The result is a
hybrid of traditional Zulu song, Celtic folk and rock -- Afro-pop music that
has achieved international acclaim, sold millions of records and won
Billboard's best world music album award.
"I always wanted to find a place and an identity for myself as a white
African," the singer and guitarist said during his last U.S. tour. It has not
been easy.
"We've crossed over our music, our beliefs, our systems of metaphors. We've
been completely confused about who we are," Clegg recalled of his 15 years in
a duo with Zulu musician Sipho Mchunu. "I experimented with ways of dressing,
talking, food styles, everything. I look at pictures of myself in 1980 and I
can see my pain, that I'm not a coherent person."
Even today, 10 years after his musical activism helped bring down South
Africa's apartheid system, he still struggles to find his way in an uncertain
world that demands complex responses from the singer-songwriter.
"All around us everything falling," he sings on his latest CD, "New World
Survivor." "Is this water? Am I drowning? Is this water?"
British-born and raised in Africa, he was captivated by indigenous music,
apprenticed himself to a Zulu street musician as a teenager, sang on rooftops
with black migrant workers and mastered their athletic Inhlangwini dance
style. That was against the law in 1970, and he was frequently arrested.
Then Clegg met Mchunu, a Zulu laborer who he calls "my brother, my companion,
my mentor, and my oldest friend." Together, Johnny and Sipho were the first
mixed-race group to play for mixed audiences in South Africa. Their
underground reputation spread until they attained countrywide and
international success in the early 1980s. With that, the heroic phase ended.
Cultural fusion was equally difficult for Mchunu, who chose to leave the stage
in 1985 "to translate his success into tribal terms," Clegg explained. Saying
goodbye to the tribal past has been difficult for most Africans: Johnny and
Sipho mirrored that transition.
And the confusing march of history makes "the right life," as Clegg calls it,
even more problematic today.
It was easier to write "One (Hu)Man, One Vote" in the '80s, for instance, than
to chart a course for today's South Africa, as he sings in the recent "Across
the River":
Hope and mercy are stranded on the pier
Love is the prisoner of the dark and the weird
Only the stars in heart will guide you clear.
But the musical fusion Clegg developed during the struggle still serves him
well. The powerful male chorus, the upbeat polyrhythms, the folk metaphors he
articulates with a forceful tenor -- all that, and his vigorous, tightly
choreographed dance moves, offer outsiders a taste of his homeland, where
culture is politics and music is power. CLAUDE GASSIAN/1993 JOHNNY CLEGG
South African plays pop with a purpose
Johnny Clegg’s music breaks
down barriers and changes attitudes
ERIC BARTELS Issue date: Tue, Jun 22, 2004 The Tribune
Johnny Clegg never really had time for the trappings of rock stardom. For all
his merry singing and dancing, he had a lot of work to do.
It’s like that when you grow up in the last bastion of
state-sponsored racism in the industrialized world. “I came out of a very
profound political and cultural struggle in South Africa,” says the
51-year-old Clegg. “We wanted to stand for something.
“The whole idea of a rock lifestyle was not part of our behavioral palette.
We were living in the future to come. Nobody had time to be a star.”
After Hugh Masekela but before Dave Matthews, there was Clegg, a
British-born white man who, in defiance of state censors, created joyous,
genre-stretching pop music in collaboration with black African artists.
His bands, first Juluka and then Johnny Clegg and Savuka, sold millions of
albums and toured the world, earning a Grammy nomination for best world music
album in 1993.
Getting there wasn’t easy. After living in his mother’s native Zimbabwe,
Clegg arrived in South Africa at 13. The youth fell for the music and dance of
the black townships when travel there by a person of European descent meant
breaking the laws of apartheid, the country’s policy of racial segregation.
“I managed to break the law every day,” Clegg says. “The police would say:
‘Aw, he’s just a kid. He’ll grow out of it.’ ”
He had the support of his mother, a jazz singer, and was soon adopted by
township musicians, who defended his presence to authorities. “They fought for
me,” he says. “They said, ‘No, this is our boy.’ ”
Clegg and longtime musical partner Sipho Mchunu began performing as a duo
in college, initially avoiding the scrutiny of culture police by remaining on
campus, which was private property.
After four years as a university lecturer, Clegg’s musical career began in
earnest. He signed a record deal, but the state routinely censored recordings,
scratching offending tracks with a nail. “It was like a communist country,” he
says. “All media were owned by government. If you sang in Zulu and English,
they would never play you.
“We managed to get through as a live band,” he says. Clegg’s first group,
Juluka, augmented hybridized pop music with a colorful and exuberant stage
show. “We dressed up,” he says. “The styles were incredibly gaudy: Roy
Rogers-country, frilly pants with African designs on them. We made a massive
Wider acceptance came when the single “Scatterlings of Africa” broke onto
the British pop charts with a combination of English lyrics and wordless Zulu
chants that stayed within the letter of the law in South Africa.
At the height of his success, Clegg assisted an American songwriter in
finding South African musicians for an ambitious cross-cultural project. The
American was Paul Simon. The project was the 1986 album “Graceland,” which
sold more than 10 million copies.
With apartheid dead, Clegg continues to play to enthusiastic crowds at home
and elsewhere.
“We’re a live band,” he says. “We’ve never been able to rely on radio play,
and we don’t rely on record sales.”
"The Aladdin
was a nice venue, small, with theater seating and a dance floor. The house
music before and after the show was Concord's solo CD, which is lovely, by the
way. The sound system was better than Hollywood, but not as good as Anaheim, I
thought. They had tour t-shirts, in two different designs, white and black,
but the CD's were sold out (they had NWS and Concord's CD when I was in
There was no warm-up band (who needs it?), and Johnny played two sets (I have
the list if anyone wants it, but it was about the same as in California).
There was so much good energy during the show-the crowd went wild and sang
along with them during the second set. Mandisa's voice and dancing was
unbelievable, the band was fantastic, and Johnny was in great form. His voice
was strong and he was energetic and talkative. He got a lot of laughs. We saw
so many smiles and tears on the faces around us (in the front row :-)). During
the encore, they played a beautiful rendition of Happy Birthday to "Mandy", as
Johnny called Mandisa. If Johnny's voice keeps up, the rest of you are in for
a tremendous treat!
...Johnny told us how great it felt to have the first full-house of the tour
and he called it the "high-point" of the tour so far (I think he said they
only had 70-90% turn-out at other shows). Johnny's only complaint was that he
had a strained a calf muscle, but I hadn't noticed it slowing him down! Andy
Innes told us that Johnny plans to return next year.
We waited a long time, but we finally fulfilled our vow to see Johnny Clegg
play live-we were not let down, and now there's even hope that we'll see him
next year! We wished we could have gone on up to Seattle to see them again,
but alas, responsibility calls. Sigh. Maybe Jeff can fill us in on how it went
last night in Seattle (if he's not up in Canada by now!)."
Posted by Jamie, Happy Ashland Scat 24.06.2004 21:12
23. Juni - Seattle, WA - Century Ballroom http://www.centuryballroom.com/
MUSIC An Evening with JOHNNY CLEGG featuring the
music of JULUKA and SAVUKA 7p General
Admission 8p Show $35
The leader of two multi-racial South African
Zulu/pop bands - Juluka and Savuka - vocalist and composer Clegg arrived in
South Africa with his family in 1959. By the age of 10 he had fallen in love
with African, and in particular, Zulu, music. His first memories of Zulu music
are of hearing street performer Mntonanazo, who performed frequently in his
neighbourhood. Later, he formed his first band, the sextet Juluka (Zulu for "sweat")
in 1976. While most Africans responded with great enthusiasm to the sight of a
white man immersing himself in Zulu music, the reaction of white South
Africans was by and large hostile, and Juluka were engaged in a running battle
with the authorities. They suffered from racist abuse, threats of violence and
then an extreme shortage of available venues in a country where multi-racial
gatherings were, to all practical purposes, forbidden.
Overcoming all these obstacles, the band scored their first hit with the
single "Woza Friday" in 1978, by which time they had built up a national
following through their formidably powerful live appearances, which included
wholly convincing displays of traditional Zulu indlamu (foot stamping) dancing
by Clegg. They also succeeded in persuading the authorities to allow them to
tour overseas, and in the early 80s performed in the UK, Europe and the USA,
where their 1982 album Scatterlings Of Africa, was released in 1984.
His solo career was launched in 1986 with Third World Child, which became an
international success, selling over a million copies. A sold out tour of
France followed, before stints in the USA and Canada. In the process he became
one of the first African stars to appear on The Johnny Carson Show. Cruel
Crazy Beautiful World saw Clegg upgrade the band's sound in a modern Los
Angeles studio, though his lyrical concerns about South Africa, brilliantly
extolled in "Woman Be My Country" and the title track, remained undiluted.
25. Juni - Banff, BC - PAC (Johnny Clegg Feat. Savuka, Eric Harvie Theatre http://www.pollstar.com/tour/searchall.pl?AN=Y&By=Artist&Content=JOHCLE&PSKey=Y), http://www.banffcentre.ca/events/playbill/2004/0625_johnny_clegg.asp
For over three decades, acclaimed singer-songwriter Johnny Clegg has been bringing his politically charged yet joyous music to the world. Audiences were amazed by the potent, exhilarating, fusion of traditional Zulu music and Western folk/rock rhythms that was the trademark of his groundbreaking and internationally successful bands Juluka and then Savuka. With these bands known for their high energy dance-filled performances, he created a highly infectious sound with an underlying social conscience that made him a cultural phenomenon in South Africa and around the world. Today, Johnny remains active in South Africa's affairs while continuing to create and perform music. Backed by some of South Africa's best live musicians, this legendary son of South Africa still enthrals audiences everywhere with the songs, the music, and the experience that made Juluka and Savuka so special. Tickets: Adult $28 Student/Senior $25.
The concert was absolutely fantastic! This is the first time I'd seen Johnny
live and worth the 7-hour drive and having to stay in a hotel (however in
wonderful surroundings and in good company)!
There was no opening act and Johnny and Band played for almost 2 hours - 19
songs (one intermission). The theatre held 950 people and was pretty much
filled - many S.Africans, by the sound of it. People danced in the outside
aisles and I went up at the end (THREE encores) to jump about a bit. I was
wearing my 1996 "Zasha" t-shirt and Johnny, Mandisa and Concorde all gave me a
Here's the line-up of songs:-
"Hamba Dance" (I'm not sure of the first one) "Diggling For Some Words" "Circle
of Life" "Gunship Ghetto" (a new one!) "Take My Heart Away" "Africa, What Made
You so Strong?" "Bullets for Bafazani" "I Feel a New Day Coming on" "I call
Your Name" (my favourite) "Going to Giyani" "African Sky Blue" "Third World
Child" "River Flowing On" "Tough Enough" "Spirit of the Great Heart" "Cruel,
Crazy, B. World" "Scatterlings of Africa" ) "Dela") encores "Asimbonanga" )
What I really appreciated about the concert was Johnny's explanation of some
of the songs - it brought them to life and made the audience see that he was
more than just a pop star. He's an educated, thinking, humanitarian. I also
loved the way he and Mandisa interacted, dancing around the stage (he more
than Mandisa, of course).
It was truly an evening to remember."
Hambe Kahle!
Posted by Patricia 28.06.2004 06:02
27. Juni - Vancouver, BC - Center for the Performing Arts
I just joined
the group, and wanted to share my experience of seeing him last night June 27,
here in Vancouver, Canada. What an absolutely
amazing show. I last saw him in '89 at think was either the Standard Bank
Arena, or Ellis Park. What a great concert.
The place was packed, Canadians and South Africans alike were up and dancing,
and it didn't take to long. The area I sat in was a relatively reserved crowd,
but once I got up to dance within seconds most people in our section were up
He did na amzing job of bringing the Canadian audience into the show by
explain the music, trying to give them a glimpse into our lives in back home.
Posted by 'blkmamba69' 28.06.2004 23:03
28. Juni - Victoria, BC - Royal Theater
30. Juni - Montreal, CA, Quebec Jazz Festival http://www.hour.ca/music/music.aspx?iIDArticle=3293
The Gazette
(Montreal, Quebec) May 1, 2004 Saturday Final Edition
Three free mega-concerts at this year's jazz fest: Slated for beginning,
middle and end. Clegg with Ladysmith Black Mambazo, then Funk Brothers, then
special circus event BYLINE: BERNARD PERUSSE
"For its 25th anniversary, the Montreal International Jazz Festival is
tripling the fun: three free blowouts instead of one. Organizers announced
yesterday that Ladysmith Black Mambazo and Johnny Clegg will kick off the free
outdoor shows on June 30, the festival's opening night. The double bill, which
also marks 10 years since South Africa abolished apartheid, pairs two kinds of
music from that country: the group's traditional harmonies and Clegg's more
rock-based rhythms. Clegg and his band Savuka headlined the annual big outdoor
event in 1988. Nobel laureate Desmond Tutu has been asked to address
concert-goers that evening via giant screens and Zulu king Goodwill Zwelithini
has been invited to attend, organizers said."
don't miss the Montreal International Jazz Festival's free outdoor
doubleheader with Ladysmith Black Mambazo and Johnny Clegg and Savuko to
celebrate the 10th anniversary of the end of apartheid in South Africa (June
30). The concert will be broadcast live around the world and guest speakers
will include Nobel laureate Bishop Desmond Tutu and Goodwill Zweilithini, King
of the Zulus. Arrive early: Well over 100,000 people are expected to attend."
Voices of Freedom (with Johnny Clegg & Ladysmith Black Mambazo)
Johnny Clegg returns as
Montreal jazz fest opener
Updated Wed, 30 Jun 2004 17:02:42 EDT
MONTREAL - Johnny Clegg is among the host of internationally acclaimed artists
who have played the Montreal International Jazz Festival over its 25-year
history and the South African musician headlines a special opening-night
concert Wednesday evening.
The British-born,
African-raised Clegg, who has been called the "White Zulu," last appeared at
the Montreal fest in 1988, when he gave a rousing performance and spoke about
seeing the eventual end to apartheid. That free, outdoor concert drew about
60,000, according to festival organizers.
Wednesday's concert, also free and set outside, is dedicated to the 10th
anniversary of apartheid's end.
Clegg will be joined by some other celebrated South African musicians: popular
vocal group Ladysmith Black Mambazo and Lorraine Klaasen, who now lives in
present 25TH FESTIVAL'S
This year's Festival International de Jazz de Montreal will open with a huge free outdoor show at the downtown site. We'll be celebrating the 10th anniversary of the end of apartheid with South Africa's most celebrated musicians, the a cappella group Ladysmith Black Mambazo, Johnny Clegg, who positively blew us all away at the 1988 Grand Événement mega-show, and our own Lorraine Klaasen, who originates from South Africa.
Scène Corner Sainte-Catherine and Jeanne-Mance
Here are the details of the TV5 broadcast in Canada. It's
repeated on Thursday and Saturday
mercredi 30 juin 2004 21:30
jeudi 1er juillet 2004 12:35
samedi 3 juillet 2004 00:30
Monat 07-09 2004 (01-03 - 04-06 / 10-12)
Juli 2004 Tourdates in CA/USA/F
01. Juli - Toronto, ONT - Jazz Festival http://www.pdp.ca/en/default.htm, http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1&c=Article&cid=1088504749141&call_pageid=978552666364&tacodalogin=no
Canada's First National Urban Park, Downsview Park, is
pleased to present the sixth annual Canada Day Celebration on Thursday, July
1. Admission is FREE! Festivities for all ages will take place throughout the
day with highlights including the creation of the "Great Canadian Flag" made
up of thousands of people; a Fly-Past by two super sonic F18 Fighter Jets from
the Canadian Air Force; Spirit of West, Choclair, Johnny Clegg and
Chantal Kreviazuk on the Mitsubishi Mainstage; and the Grand Finale Fireworks
Show to round out a great day!
"The Great Canadian Flag": Thousands of people will stand together for the
creation of the Great Canadian Flag wearing red or white t-shirts. The "flag"
will be constructed on the ground beginning at 3:30 pm, and measure in at 120
feet x 80 feet for a total area of 9,600 square feet. Media Note: The Toronto
Fire Department will provide opportunities for aerial photography of the Great
Canadian Flag.
(Originale und weitere Photos) Copyright by Debbie Browning, Posted 07.07.2004 11:23
02. Juli - Chicago, IL - Park West
03. Juli - Ann Arbor, MI - The Ark
"....The Ark
was quite the contrast for the band, having played these huge stadium/festival
shows, and I was worried that there wouldn't be enough room on the Ark stage
for them all - but despite having only limited dance room, Johnny put on a
spectacular show.
I got the lighting guy to save me a set list, so it went like this:
Take my heart, Malongeni, Universal Men, Circle of Light, Wanderers, Gunship
Ghetto, Giyani, Africa (what made you so strong), Bullets for Bafazane,
African Sky Blue, Woza Friday, 3rd World Child, Into the Picture, Tough Enough,
Great Heart, Scatterlings --
and then as an encore, Asimbonanga. And the set list says "Mfazi" - it was the
song with the "Zokulula" refrain...."
Posted by Kirsti 04.07.2004 22:21
"What a GREAT
The Ark wasn't more than three-fourths full, so it was a small (but very
enthusiastic) crowd.
We'd never seen Johnny before; it was great to see him in a small venue. We
were about five rows back from the stage. Johnny had a few equipment problems,
but nothing that couldn't be fixed with several applications of duct tape :)
Mandisa, when she really let go, blew the place away with her voice.
...My only regrets are that we didn't get up and dance, and that we couldn't
convince our teenage daughters to come along...."
Posted by Kirk & Dunyale in Indiana 07.07.2004 00:02
04. Juli - Milwaukee, WI - Wisconsin Summerfest http://www.onmilwaukee.com/seasonal/summerfest/articles/sf04picks0704.html
Johnny Clegg broke music rules
Band will take stage tonight at Summerfest
By JON M. GILBERTSON Special to the Journal Sentinel
Posted: July 4, 2004
When Elvis Presley blended music
from different racial cultures, the barriers against him were firm, yet
indistinctly defined.
When Johnny Clegg attempted the same thing by forming South Africa's first
multiracial band, Juluka, with Zulu musician Sipho Mchunu, the barriers were
official and steadfast.
"Apartheid worked on at least two levels," Clegg said of his adopted homeland.
"One was a racial level that separated races and gave them different rights.
The other level was cultural.
"They had a language-purity rule, which meant if you sang in English or Zulu,
you'd be on an English or Zulu station. We were mixing those on the same
record, on the same song, and our first banning was because we broke the rules."
Even before the fall of apartheid in South Africa, Clegg - with Juluka and,
later, with the more pop-oriented band Savuka - had made significant inroads
throughout the rest of the world and had opened up the idea of "world music"
to an international audience.
In post-apartheid South Africa, Clegg remains quite active, although he has
changed his main subject from politically based freedom to technologically
based freedom.
"We are moving into a 'post-human' period . . ." Clegg said. "It refers to the
fact that human life, organic life as we know it, is going to be transformed
for the first time in three million years. In other words, the specter of a
cyber-organism is around the corner."
Hence, his new album, "New World Survivor," covers a complex terrain of
genetics and computers. It also dwells on the place humanity might find in
that terrain.
"This album muses on the political implications: If we become part of the
technical platform that we create, if you . . . have a chip implanted in your
body, the way we begin and end our bodies becomes a problem," Clegg said.
"And I'm envisioning a new super-class of financial power that will be able to
differentiate itself from the rest of humanity. The digital divide will become
a genetic divide, with control and access to information and technology. These
are real issues that will raise their heads in the next 20 to 30 years."
Clegg has had the aptitude to phrase his philosophy inside music that blends
African, European and American styles, although "New World Survivor" leans
closer to pop-rock. Yet despite its accessibility, the album is not
commercially available in the United States (it can be found on his Web site,
and at his shows). The situation doesn't particularly concern Clegg.
"The music industry is collapsing worldwide . . ." he said. "The whole point
of a record industry is to provide a marketing and promotional structure, and
now I can do a lot of that myself. The touring has become more important, and
I'm happy to sell my hundred CDs a night at shows. The profit margin is far
higher than if I was signed to a record company."
06. Juli - 815 V Street, NW, Washington D.C. 9:30 Club,
The July 6 show is still listed on Johnny Clegg's website as being at the Birchmere in Alexandria, but the venue has been changed to the 9:30 Club, which is at 815 V Street, NW, in Washington, D.C.
"...So many wonderful things
happened at the 930 show, and I'll just say it was one of the best nights of
my life! Simply joyful.
Miracle 1: I saw JC, finally! I'm on my knees as I type this, thanking all the
deities. He was the consummate professional: energetic, fun, playful,
... Long-suffering and wonderful husband Joe, who was really "along for the
ride," became a believer. He's pretty low-key, but he kept saying things like,
"class act," "this guy should be playing in front of 25,000 people, not 400,"
"how does Britney Spears draw tens of thousands in this country and this guy
plays to such a small crowd?" Then, he actually -- for the first time --
Rarities." Alleluia! Do you hear angels singing?...
Oh, I guess you want the set list? Thank you Carol for snatching one for me.
Here it is, verbatim:
Giyana, Take my Heart, Circle of Light, Wanderers, Gunship Ghetto, Melonjeni,
Africa, One Man One Goat!, Bullets, I Call Your Name, Woza Friday, 3rd World,
Picture, Tuff Enuff, Great Heart, Cruel Crazy, Scatts, ____, Asimbonga, Dela,
That's my story. I know there will be many other versions, which I look
forward to reading."
Posted by Annamarie in Annapolis, ever grateful to all of you all these years
for up-to-the-minute information and tips and sharing JC's music. 07.07.2004
concert on July 6 in Washington, D.C. was amazing. Johnny was having a lot of
fun, even when he messed up some lines, he just laughed and kept on going. And
afterwards, the band members were happy to talk with fans, and sign autographs,
and then Johnny came outside and spent at least 15 minutes talking and signing
autographs and taking pictures..."
Posted by Tiago 07.07.2004 08:48
"...It was an incredible night,
especially for me, who had never seen the band live before. All the energy,
humanity, and musicianship they convey on the albums was present tenfold.
I heard from someone in the crowd that the bus had arrived late and the club
was scrambling to find something for the band to eat, and that they had to
depart promptly, so event though the opening act cancelled, the set would be
stricly limited to 1:30.
When they started, I had the impression of a very professional but somewhat
rushed performance. Johnny hardly spoke between songs, and scurried around
grabbing instrument to launch immediately into the next song when one had
concluded. Somewhere around "Third World Child," though, that seemed to change,
maybe because the crowd knew all the words and was singing along. That
continued through the last five songs, and we got to sing (solo) the chorus to
"Dela" as well. Johnny really seemed to be enjoying the crowd response and the
deafening cheers. I don't think a person in the audience budged before the
encores and, as was noted, we got a bonus with "Impi."
Even the wait beforehand was a blast because of all the wonderful, interesting
people crowded around the Scatterlings sign.
So, needless to say, I have half a mind to drive up to Philly on Saturday.
However, I'm afraid the theatre format will make it less fun--no dancing, no
crowding around the stage. I am not sure the energy will be the same. Anybody
want to convince me otherwise?(Believe me, it won't take much!)"
Posted by "JSRidgely" 07.07.2004 16:53
07.07.2004 Johnny Clegg visits Dartmouth - Hanover, NH, USA 03755 http://www.dartmouth.edu/~envs/events/past/clegg/clegg.html
27. Juli 2004 Eagle Rock Entertainment Presents Johnny Clegg with Savuka & Juluka Live! And More… - On DVD beginning July 27
New York, NY (July 6, 2004)— Over the years, musician Johnny Clegg has worked hard to merge two worlds the English-speaking and the African American culture of South Africa and succeeded in doing so with the formation of the first interracial band - Jaluka. However, the group formed around the time of apartheid, which brought upon unforeseen complications including the banning of their first album by the South African government. Having to deal with so many uncontrollable issues, the group broke up in the mid-80’s, and Clegg formed another band with Savuka, combining European pop music with South African melodies.
Eagle Rock Entertainment reflects on the lifelong career of world music virtuoso and Billboard Music Award-Winner Johnny Clegg with the DVD release of Johnny Clegg with Savuka & Juluka Live! And More… This DVD is a two-hour retrospective of Clegg’s significant career moments and events. Songs performed include "Jericho," "It’s An Illusion," "Cruel Crazy Beautiful World," "Umfazi Omdala," "Siyayilanda," among others. In addition, featured on the DVD are nine Savuka videos, four Juluka videos, tracks from "Savuka - Live in Paris," and two tracks from "Juluka Live in Cape Town."
Johnny Clegg has broken South African barriers and has found great success in both Europe and Africa. Showing yet another step on his path to international stardom, Johnny Clegg with Savuka & Juluka Live! And More… will be available July 27, 2004 on DVD for a suggested retail price of $19.98. This film has a running time of 150 minutes. Special DVD extra features include an interview with Johnny Clegg, "Asimbonanga" performed with Nelson Mandela in Frankfurt, a dance performance of Mantombana with Juluka, a video of Savuka’s "Scatterlings of Africa," which was the song featured in the 1989 movie Rain Man, and lyrics from some of their most popular songs.
Johnny Clegg, born in Rochedale, UK, right outside of Manchester, was raised in Zimbabwe until eventually making a home out of South Africa. At age 14, Clegg began playing the guitar and took lessons from Charlie Mzila, a Zulu flat cleaner who played street music near his home. For the next two years, he learned the fundamentals of Zulu music and traditional Inhlangwini dancing. Together, Mzila and Clegg performed at various hostels and communities. However, not everyone accepted a white and black musician working as a team, and Clegg would often get arrested for trespassing on government property. Clegg found ways around this by performing for Zulu migrant labourers who lived all throughout Johannesburg and gained respect as a competent Zulu guitarist.
Clegg’s superior reputation reached Sipho Mchunu, a migrant Zulu worker, and they formed a musical partnership and friendship, which would eventually come to be known as Juluka, meaning "sweat" in Zulu. Often the subjects of racial abuse and censorship, they still managed to rise above the chaos to release four popular albums "Universal Men," "African Litany," "Work For All" and "Musa Ukungilandela." Clegg and Juluka eventually split up in 1985.
Soon after, Clegg formed a new group with Savuka, mixing African music with Celtic folk music and international sounds and were offered to perform on a mini tour throughout France. They released their first album, "Third World Child" and began to develop a strong fan base. In 1987, they were considered the leading world music group touring the francophone countries. By 1989, Savuka had sold over one million records of their debut album and held the #1 and #2 position on the album charts with the first and second album at the same time. This was a landmark achievement for any group out of South Africa.
Eagle Rock Entertainment develops, acquires and produces music programming for a wide range of notable and high profile artists, which the company distributes on a worldwide basis. Eagle Rock Entertainment, Eagle Vision and Eagle Eye Media are wholly owned divisions of Eagle Rock Group, LTD.
07. Juli - Hanover, NH http://www.dartmouth.edu/~envs/events/past/clegg/clegg.html
Johnny Clegg began his day in Hanover by lecturing to a combined meeting of classes from Environmental Studies, History, African and African American Studies, Anthropology and Government. Clegg's lecture was remarkably engaging, and kept the 150 students and faculty on the edge of their seats for the entire class. In an articulate and energetic talk, Clegg compared Western and Zulu culture, described various types of native African dance and then demonstrated many of these dances with surprising agility. The lecture also included humming, chanting and three songs accompanied by the rhythmic Zulu twang of his guitar. ......
Clegg's day at Dartmouth culminated with a high-energy concert in sold-out Spaulding Auditorium. The concert attracted 900 people from the Dartmouth Community and the Upper Valley. Clegg's performance was both moving and great fun. Here are two comments from Dartmouth undergraduates: “Being an usher at the Hop, I have seen a lot of shows and concerts and this was the first where practically 3/4 of the audience was up and dancing.”
“The concert was absolutely incredible. I have never seen Spaulding auditorium like it was that night, and it went to further prove that music can cross all cultural and racial boundaries. His anecdotes and explanations in between songs were almost as fascinating as the songs themselves.”
"Hi Everyone,
The Hanover (Dartmouth) show was absolutely amazing. The set list was the same
as published recently. It does say One Man One Goat on the set list (someone's
joke I guess). The show sold out the day before the concert and people were
begging for tickets before the show. Johnny and the band were in great spirits,
they appreciated that the hall was sold out and people were dancing in the
aisles, up front and in some of the seats. They also liked the loud cheers we
gave for solos (Andy, Brendan and of course Mandisa). And all the singing we
did on Great Heart, Dela and others. There were maybe 20 kids ages 4-8 dancing
up front and Mandisa was smiling and singing and dancing right to them. Many
people remembered them from the Savuka 1990 concert they did at Dartmouth and
there were lots of new fans....
All of you except Boston, NY and Philly know this already, but they are in as
fine a form as ever. And Johnny is so gracious and warm and sincere both
onstage and offstage.
I'm leaving for Boston in a few hours. I'll be wearing my shirt so will make
contact with a bunch of you there."
Posted by Andy 08.07.2004 17:50
08. Juli - Boston MA - Berklee PAC
World Music is pleased to announce that South Africa's Johnny Clegg returns to Boston for the first time since 1996 on Thursday, July 8, 8pm at the Berklee Performance Center, 136 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston. Tickets are $37, $32 and $28. Tickets go on sale to World Music/CRASHarts members on Monday, March 29, call World Music
For all the African action Johnny D’s has planned, the big show of the month has to be the return — after eight years — of South African pop troubadour Johnny Clegg, who plays Boston's Berklee Performance Center next Thursday. Clegg became a world-music legend in the ’70s and ’80s with his mastery of the Zulu language and Zulu guitar playing and dance and his ability to channel all that into topical, hook-laden pop songs. With his bands Juluka and Savuka, Clegg garnered worldwide fame and played many great Boston gigs. Now, after a hiatus, he says he wants to "relaunch" in the US, and he’s brought his new band to do a limited, exploratory tour. Speaking over the phone from Portland, Oregon, he says, "We’re just trading on good will. There’s no album, no profile, nothing. We’re touring in a publicity vacuum."
Clegg hasn’t released an album here in more than a decade, but he’s been anything but idle. Last year, he recorded what he calls a "pop rock" release, New World Survivor, that’s available only on his Web site, johnnyclegg.com. This summer’s shows include new arrangements of Juluka and Savuka classics, some new songs he’s preparing for an international release expected in the fall, and a handful of those "pop rock" songs. "We have a song called ‘Wanderers and Nomads.’ It’s really a look at how human, technical control of the environment has damaged our ability to live with and in nature. It seems the only way we can live with nature is by dominating it. The new South Africa is inheriting these kinds of attitudes from the developed West, this infatuation with technology. We’re embracing all this without any real critical reflection."
Clegg has never been afraid to address the big questions. One new song, "Into the Picture," imagines a "post-human" future where "we will be walking around with chips implanted into us that activate our cars, our houses, our cell phones. We will become part of our technical platform and leave the pure, organic human base behind. How do we feel about that?" Once a champion of young people, Clegg now feels sidelined by South African youth’s embrace of imported American sounds, mostly hip-hop. Refusing to follow that trend, he finds himself with an older, mostly white, audience, but it remains loyal.
What’s more, Clegg is a gifted storyteller and a passionate performer who’s evolved with age. Maybe he can’t kick out those high-stepping Zulu dances the way he did 20 and 30 years ago, but he says his new band "still delivers the goods."
Africa calling
Johnny Clegg spearheads a July invasion of Boston
July appears to be African music month in Boston, with South
African great Johnny Clegg hitting town for the first time since 1996, two
other acts from southern Africa — Zimbabwe’s Thomas Mapfumo and Malagasy
guitar wizard D’Gary — swinging through the area, and the legendary Guinean
dance band Bembeya Jazz making their local debut. It all starts this
Wednesday when Bembeya Jazz headline Johnny D’s in Somerville, Mass. Formed
in 1962, Bembeya set the gold standard for independence-era bands in West
Africa, revamping traditional music for the urban dance floor. The group
reunited a few years back to produce a sterling recording, Bembeya
(World Village), and their first US tour last summer offered a spectacle of
electric-guitar interplay, rich vocal harmonies, and juggernaut grooves that
only the Super Rail Band of Mali can match on the contemporary Afropop
scene. That tour bypassed Boston, so this will be Bembeya’s first stop in
the area.
Three nights later, on July 10, Johnny D’s welcomes back Thomas Mapfumo and
the Blacks Unlimited, who bravely spent this past winter in their
strife-ridden home country. Their concerts offer a poignant,
behind-the-headlines view of Zimbabwe’s struggle to emerge from the darkness
of Robert Mugabe’s ever-more-tawdry regime. That Mapfumo manages to maintain
a positive outlook and keep his music so sweet is a testament to his
character. His band have been based out of Oregon for the past three years,
but he plans to go back and live in Zimbabwe after this tour, so this may be
your last chance in some time to catch him and his band live.
On July 21, Johnny D’s brings in D’Gary. Anyone keen on African guitar music
knows that the continent has produced some truly inventive ax men, and none
more innovative than D’Gary. Turned loose on an acoustic guitar, his picking
fingers produce a breath-taking flood of rhythm and melody. His spare
touring trio keep the spotlight on his guitar mastery, but the vocal
harmonies and light, sprightly rhythms his two percussionists/vocalists
provide are also a treat.
For all the African action Johnny D’s has planned, the big show of the month
has to be the return — after eight years — of South African pop troubadour
Johnny Clegg, who plays Boston's Berklee Performance Center next Thursday.
Clegg became a world-music legend in the ’70s and ’80s with his mastery of
the Zulu language and Zulu guitar playing and dance and his ability to
channel all that into topical, hook-laden pop songs. With his bands Juluka
and Savuka, Clegg garnered worldwide fame and played many great Boston gigs.
Now, after a hiatus, he says he wants to "relaunch" in the US, and he’s
brought his new band to do a limited, exploratory tour. Speaking over the
phone from Portland, Oregon, he says, "We’re just trading on good will.
There’s no album, no profile, nothing. We’re touring in a publicity vacuum."
Clegg hasn’t released an album here in more than a decade, but he’s been
anything but idle. Last year, he recorded what he calls a "pop rock"
release, New World Survivor, that’s available only on his Web site,
johnnyclegg.com. This summer’s shows include new arrangements of Juluka and
Savuka classics, some new songs he’s preparing for an international release
expected in the fall, and a handful of those "pop rock" songs. "We have a
song called ‘Wanderers and Nomads.’ It’s really a look at how human,
technical control of the environment has damaged our ability to live with
and in nature. It seems the only way we can live with nature is by
dominating it. The new South Africa is inheriting these kinds of attitudes
from the developed West, this infatuation with technology. We’re embracing
all this without any real critical reflection."
Clegg has never been afraid to address the big questions. One new song,
"Into the Picture," imagines a "post-human" future where "we will be walking
around with chips implanted into us that activate our cars, our houses, our
cell phones. We will become part of our technical platform and leave the
pure, organic human base behind. How do we feel about that?" Once a champion
of young people, Clegg now feels sidelined by South African youth’s embrace
of imported American sounds, mostly hip-hop. Refusing to follow that trend,
he finds himself with an older, mostly white, audience, but it remains
What’s more, Clegg is a gifted storyteller and a passionate performer who’s
evolved with age. Maybe he can’t kick out those high-stepping Zulu dances
the way he did 20 and 30 years ago, but he says his new band "still delivers
the goods."
Bembeya Jazz play Johnny D’s, 17 Holland Street in
Somerville's Davis Square, this Wednesday, July 7. Thomas Mapfumo and the
Blacks Unlimited play Johnny D’s on Saturday July 10, and D’Gary performs
there on Wednesday July 21; call (617) 776-2004. Johnny Clegg performs next
Thursday, July 8, at the Berklee Performance Center, 136 Massachusetts
Avenue in Boston; call (617) 876-4265.
09. Juli - New York, NY BB King Performing Johnny Clegg - The Best Of JULUKA & SAVUKA http://www.bbkingblues.com/schedule/moreinfo.cgi?id=1860
"The white, English-speaking, society and Black, African, culture of South Africa was brought together by Johnny Clegg. Together with Sipho Mchunu, a Zulu musician who came to Johannesburg in search of work, Clegg formed South Africa's first multi-racial band, Juluka. In the seven years that they were initally together, the band recorded two platinum and five gold albums and became an international success.
Following the group's disbanding in 1986, Clegg continued to blend African music with European pop influences with the band, Savuka. Reunited with Mchunu in the mid-1990s, Clegg reformed Juluka and toured throughout the world. The group's debut album, Third World Child, sold more than two million copies. Following their second album, Shadow Man, the band embarked on a world tour, opening shows for Steve Winwood in the United States. Savuka reached its peak with its fourth album, Heat, Dust And Dreams, which was nominated for a Grammy in the "best world music" category and received a Billboard music award as "Best World Music Album"."
10. Juli - Glenside, Philadelphia, PA - Keswick http://www.keswicktheatre.com/glance.html
12. Juli - Châteauneuf les Martigues, F (Festival "Musiques sous les Pins")
13. Juli - SAB tugs at the world's heartstrings with new commercial Download and view the ad
South African Breweries epic new ad to highlight South Africa's role in the growth of the SAB brand globally, was produced by Publicis. It is creatively stunning and a brilliant idea brought to screen. Let us know what you think - Biz-community.com brings you the visuals to download to see for yourself
Marc Spriestersbach from Publicis gave Biz-community some interesting facts on the logistics involved behind the making of the new SAB ad. To say that it was a proper tug-of-war is highlighted by the fact that the rope, used in this advertisement was 500m long. Of course the 800 employees used for the shoot had to eat and three tons of fresh fruit and 2000 eggs were consumed during the making of the new ad.
It also took quite a bit of commitment from SAB employees to get this ad filmed. Some had to leave at 02h00 to be on set at 06h00. The ad was shot in five different locations: Cape Nature Reserve, Somerset West, Cape Point, Harrismith, Pudtidichaba, and Witsies Hoek in the Drakensberg. And as regards the film used for this epic - 8.7 kilometers of filmstock was used! Another 650 hours were spent on editing.
Hazel van Jaarsveld, TV and Radio producer at Publicis, said that it was one of the smoothest running commercials that she has worked on in her 27 years experience. The Executive Creative Director was Kady Winetzki, Art Director, Steve Clayton; Copywriter, Giovanni Malletti; and producer, Hazel Van Jaarsveld.SAB owner-drivers set to be millionaires http://www.dispatch.co.za/2004/07/13/business/b1.html
.... Van Kralingen revealed part of the TV campaign in which 1000 SAB employees taking part as extras depicted, with the music of Johnny Clegg (Osiyeza) as background, a scene which shows the rest of the world moving closer to the southern tip of the African continent....
14. Juli Neoules, F
17. Juli Radio Interview XMRadio with Johnny Clegg
World Zone - XM 100
Johnny Clegg, one of the first white South Africans to perform traditional Zulu music alongside black South African artists, sits down with Shawna Renee to discuss the past, present and future of South Africa and its musical movement.
18. Juli - Nelson "Madiba" Mandelas 86th Birthday
"A number of people have
noted that Johnny was not dancing as much as he had in recent years. While I
was backstage at the Keswick, Mandisa was speaking to a friend. She turned to
Johnny and asked where his back injury was that he got from dancing. He said,
if I remember correctly, the 4th and 6th vertebrae. He said it really hurts
afterwards; that while he is dancing and singing it's fine. Remembering that
he had 22 dates in one month in the US alone and that the Keswick was the last
US date there was no wonder that he was exhausted.
On another note, however, Johnny did say when he returns to the US next year
that he will have the full group. As we know, this was a pared down version of
his band. He did have a dancer with him but Johnny was forced to send him home
when he injured his hamstring in Europe.
Lastly, any NYC venue ideas should be directed to management. Johnny said that,
no offense to those of us in NY at all, he really doesn't like New York. There
are so many extra things he has to do instead of simply playing. There are
press meetings, Consulate and SA pr. things, etc. Plus, BB King's was not a
good venue for him. He didn't like playing in the "oblong" as he called it.
He does, however, adore the Keswick. He likes the feel and the sound of
Posted by Sparky 20.07.2004 15:56
"I noticed Mandisa's
name in the sleeve of one of my Angelique Kidjo albums. I asked Mandisa about
it when I saw her in Hollywood, and she admitted she worked in the studio with
Also, yes, I do believe this is Concord's first solo CD. I've really
enjoyed hearing him sing in Spanish (Spanish was my major in college :)). Plus
Concord has several guest singers, including a Chinese singer. And he has an
amazing voice himself. In one song, (I don't have the CD handy, but I believe
its Vuga Uzenzele?), he does all the harmonies himself. I repeat. Amazing. It
reminds me of Ladysmith, but it's all Concord.
And in case anybody new missed it, here is a another repeat of what Don
Compton posted about Barry Van Zyl's CD:
"Barry van Zyl has a CD out called 'Hadeda' with a chap called Nibs van
fer Spuy also in the jazz genre with songs in english, zulu and afrikaans.
Concord Nkabinde also appears on this album. Shawn Phillips from the USA
actually sings the main song. If you like Barry van Zyl, check out an artist
called Tony Cox, a South African guitarist, Barry provides the percussion on a
few of his albums."
Posted by Jamie 20.07.2004 19:04
Johnny Clegg is a singer/songwriter who grew up in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Zambia and is best known for his work with Sipho Mchunu as part of the band Juluka. His later work with Savuka brought in a more international rock flavour.
Juluka's music was banned in South Africa in the early 1980s because they mixed English and Zulu lyrics, which was forbidden under strict apartheid laws. Even though this mixing was inherently political for apartheid South Africa, Clegg has said that the only intentionlly political song Juluka has ever written was "Work for All." Later, Savuka was banned from performing because they did write songs with a political message, as Clegg joined the UDF and became involved in the Anti-Conscription Campaign.
Clegg spoke with AllAfrica's Tali Trigg while in the midst of his tour of Europe and the United States, playing primarily Juluka and Savuka hits.You are here on your North American tour and you just came back from Canada. Which songs from your long career will you be playing for audiences?
We are featuring the music of Juluka and Savuka. There are one or two songs from "New World Survivor," but really we are positioning the band this year with promoters, agents, and management. It is a shopping, platforming, and positioning exercise. Because we have neglected the States now for some eight years, we need to reestablish ourselves as a touring option in the States. That [is] really what it is about. All the songs I have ever done are part of the repertoire.
What has most surprised you during the North American tour?
What is interesting to me is that everybody is getting to our shows and we have no profile in the media whatsoever - no videos out, no album. We have no airplay, nothing. And I think through the Internet mainly, we are still getting 75 - 80 percent [capacity], and full houses. We had full houses in Vancouver, Portland, Seattle. And we are probably going to get it tomorrow at Boston, at [Dartmouth] university.
Why is music so compelling for you?
I've been playing music for 30 years now. I'm a performer. I enjoy performing. I enjoy communicating and sharing ideas. Music has got a lot of issues. It has been an issue-driven music.
I was an anthropologist by training. I was an academic. I taught for four years between 1978-82. I've just simply been fascinated by Africa as a cradle of mankind, as the birthplace of the first scattering of Homo sapiens across the planet. Also, I came from a country that forbade the mixing of culture, through cultural segregation and other enforced laws, so I was immediately attracted to the other side. Anthropology was a natural continuation of an interest I developed at the age of 14, hanging out with street musicians, learning Zulu, learning to dance, learning to sing and compose, all in the street music tradition.
Your relationship to music has clearly changed over time. How would you say that your music now relates to the new South Africa?
For me, [it's] a cultural journey to find out what it is to be a South African, what it is to be a South African in the world. There are two layers to that: one is about a situation where we have our first ten years of democracy, but we do not really have nation [or] a common identity. We have eleven official languages in the constitution. It's almost unheard of. We are at a fascinating moment and different South Africans have different ideas of what it is to be a South African, what it means to be a citizen. In all of that, I find myself at a very interesting time in South Africa where there is so much flux, change and movement. Languages are breaking down; languages are bleeding into each other. Indian words are coming into Africa. Afrikaans is coming in and a new hip urban kind of verbal style. All of these things for me as an anthropologist are fascinating. I've always been fascinated by what I do.
How does language relate to your music?
We sing in Zulu and English. We use traditional and urban black melodies and harmonies. We use traditional Zulu guitar. We use urban township/afro pop guitar. We mix everything. Rock and western pop as well comes in. It's what we like.
How would you say that the music scene has changed in South Africa?
The music scene has been very affected by the impact of hip hop and rap in all of South Africa. I've seen rappers rapping in Wolof. It's incredible the impact it's had. I think the black American experience will always be a flagship musical force affecting many African communities. In South Africa, we have a new music called Kwaito. Kwaito is like a rap/hip hop/mélange of local and international songs.
It seems that your instruments, languages and messages keep changing along with South Africa. Is there almost a symbiotic relationship?
South Africa has advanced in its perception of what we should be doing. I find that in Europe and America there are a lot of cultural barriers. In South Africa, there seems to be room to move and that's what I like about it. There's room to experiment. There's room to create new things. There are very fixed communities in Europe, very fixed relationships between communities, which have evolved over a long time. We're still busy doing this, it's still very new to us.
Concerning future plans, I believe you are going to Europe next week?
We just came from Europe and now we're going back to Europe. We did France, Switzerland, London, Switzerland, France, Canada, U.S., France, and then back to South Africa and to Reunion Island. Then back to Europe: Germany and Holland, and that's it for this year.
That's pretty good. So where do you actually live then?
Your base of operations?
That's my base.
Do you have any future plans as far as albums and music?
We're finishing - hope to finish - an album [in October]. We'll be back in the States. We'll be releasing through a local company. It's all being negotiated at the moment. I do not have representation in America, so I put this trip together. I'm running it. I'm the manager of the whole thing. I've put up funds. I've put up everything so that we could get the thing going. And that's it, and I'm hoping that next year I'll have somebody in the States that will represent us and give us the ability to keep playing live. We're a live band.
21. Juli Quimper,
F festival de Cornouaille 21h00 Le zoulou blanc est de retour à Quimper!
Artiste international, c'est entre le Simbabwe et l'Afrique du Sud que Johnny Clegg a puisé ses influences avant d'ouvrir au monde son folk-rock zoulou, mélant les chants africains à la guitare électrique et ce, depuis près de vingt ans sur les cinq continents. De "scatterlings of Africa" à "Crocodile Love" en passant par "Asimbonanga", chacun a en mémoire un titre ou une mélodie. Ambassadeur du monde et artiste infatigable, il revient en 2004 pour une tournée européenne et s'arrêtera à nouveau à Quimper, pour notre plus grand plaisir ! Le Pavillon, Parc des expositions de Penvillers, 24 euros - Place debout
"...It has
been almost a week now that I have been Scatting. I enjoy reading what the
members discuss. I wish I had time to respond all the time. I will put in my
2cents worth whenever I can.
We just did a concert in Quimper, France last night and it was beautiful. I
would say there about 4000+ people. Today is a day off and tomorrow we are in
Mt St Michel and Issoire the next day and HOME!!!!
Thanks again all your support. It means a lot.
Take care
Posted by Concord 23.07.2004 23:24
Johnny Clegg : le zoulou Gwen ha Du ensorcelle le Pavillon http://www.festival-cornouaille.com/direct/2004-07-21/13/article.asp
évidemment dans une salle comble que le zoulou blanc, comme il aime à se faire
appeler, était attendu et s'est produit ce soir. Un public qui avait gardé en
mémoire l'excellente prestation de 1997, prestation Historique, de Johnny
Clegg avec le bagad Quimper dans le cadre du Festival de Cornouaille.
D'ailleurs comme il a l'a souligné dans la conférence de presse qu'il a donnée
avant son spectacle, l'artiste a reconnu être resté marqué par ce mélange des
genres, et par ce "duo". "J'ai toujours aimé la cornemuse", reconnait-il, "et
souhaiterais même connaitre un nouvel échange avec d'autres artistes celtiques."
Lui même
dans les années 60, avait débuté sa carrière par un répertoire puisé dans la
musique celtique avant de créer le groupe "Savuka", il avait été ensuite été "rattrapé"
au Festival de Cornouaille par son origine celtique. Aujoud'hui installé à
Johannesburg, où il vit sa femme et son fils (16 ans, guitariste qui rêve
d'accompagner son père), il milite essentiellement dans ses chansons, pour le
développement démocratique du régime politique d'Afrique du Sud, le droit de
vote des "zoulous" et la lutte contre le SIDA.
donc en ambassadeur militant, au discours humaniste, que Johnny Clegg a foulé
les planches du Pavillon, distillant son répertoire au pas des danses
africaines, accueilli par la bronca du public venu nombreux remplir l'antre du
Pavillon devenu pour une soir... la case de l'oncle Johnny. Sûr, ce spectacle
était à cocher (dans la bonne case bien sûr) dans la tournée que poursuit
l'artiste sud-américain. De l'énergie, il en a à revendre, venant tout juste
de terminer un tour de chant aux Etats-Unis où il a donné pas moins de 22
concerts en 29 jours (qui ne s'est achevé que le 11 juillet dernier) et
participé aux plus grands festivals des "states".
son passage unique ce soir au Festival de Cornouaille était incontournable.
Johnny Clegg était donc chaud, et ce n'était pas le seul. Chaud son répertoire,
chaleureux le public debout qui a chanté et accompagné le chanteur du début
jusqu'au rappel, chaud aussi pour les secouristes qui sont intervenus
profesionnellement à plusieurs reprises pour assister toute la soirée les
spectateurs victimes de malaises sans gravité... pour un show à l'américaine.
Il y avait du rythme ce soir, l'artiste engagé a toujours avancé la couleur,
couleur blanche et noire, couleur café, couleur d'espoir, autant de thèmes
chers à Johnny Clegg, qu'il a repris ce soir. Puis la surprise est venue avec
l'apparition de Jean-Louis Hénaff, le temps d'un morceau, nous rappelant les
souvenirs de 1997 lorsque les deux artistes se sont connus. On en redemande.
Après Susheela Raman hier, Johnny a continué le voyage au pays du soleil, un
dépaysement qui fait du bien alors que la pluie continue de tomber sur la cité
du Roi Gradlon. Le temps d'un concert, troquons le ciré jaune !
23. Juli - Saint Senier Mont St. Michel, F
"...The Mt-St-Michel venue was really great even tough it was not right in front of the impressive Mt-St-Michel but in a suburb of Avranches a 30 minutes drive of the beautiful but totally overcrowded touristy place....
When we arrived at St-Senier on Friday 23rd in the afternoon, after having driven 1100 miles, we were warmly welcomed by the local C.E.O. (Christian Basset) who had reserved two tix for me. He told us that Johnny and the band just left the area and would not return before 2030. He was very concerned about the fact that the truck with all the instruments was involved in an accident and arrived two hours late and feared the start of the festival might be delayed because all the sound checks had to be done.....
Finally Johnny and the band appeared on stage and played the following songs (I got the Playlist ;-) ):
- Take My Heart, Malonjini, circle Of Light, Wanderers, One Man One Vote, Giyani, Bullets, Africa, I Call Your Name, Gunship Ghetto, Emotional Allegiance, Woza Friday, Third World Child, Into the Picture, Tuff, Great Heart, Scatterlings, Cruel Crazy, Encores: Asimbonanga, Umfazi Omdala, Dela
...As I already mentioned the festival was rather small according to Christian
they expected about 3000 visitors but I don't know how many there were in
the end. But there might have been more then that, as it was a nice summer
evening and a great set....."
Posted by Andy 28.07.2004 12:06
24. Juli - Issoire, F
August 2004 Tourdates in D/NL
5.-9. August - Isle de La Reunion
25. August - Aachen, D Burg Wilhelmstein Würselen http://www.burg-wilhelmstein.de/single.php?cid=27, http://www.goetz-alsmann-fanclub.de/johnnyclegg.htm
Johnny Clegg kommt!!! Weil der liebe Herr Pesch mir erlaubt hat, beim Götz-Konzert auf Burg Wilhelmstein Fotos zu machen, mache ich jetzt meinerseits Werbung für das beste Konzert des Jahres ... :) Johnny Clegg & Band am 25. August 2004 auf Burg Wilhelmstein bei Aachen!
Johnny Clegg kennt eigentlich jeder, wenn nicht mit Namen, dann zumindest seine großen Hits: Scatterlings of Africa, Asimbonanga, Dela, Osiyeza, Take my Heart away ... etc.
Da dieses Konzert das EINZIGE Deutschlandkonzert auf dieser Tour ist und auch das letzte Konzert in Deutschland bereits JAHRE zurückliegt, ist es eine einmalige und nicht so schnell wiederkehrende Gelegenheit, diesen fantastischen Künstler mit seiner Band einmal live zu erleben.
Ein Konzert von Johnny Clegg ist grundsätzlich eine große Party, bei dieser Musik kann man nicht eine Minute stillstehen/-sitzen und was man auf der Bühne zu sehen bekommt grenzt schon an Hochleistungssport ...
Wer sich über Johnny Clegg informieren möchte, der klicke bitte auf http://www.johnnyclegg.com und wer Karten ordern möchte, der klicke bitte auf
In diesem Sinne: O siyeza, o siyeza, sizofika webaba noma!* See ya there!!! * We are coming, we are coming, we will arrive soon
Johnny Cleggs leidenschaftliches Credo für Menschlichkeit
Würselen. Die Saison beim Open-Air-Festival Burg Wilhelmstein
neigt sich langsam ihrem Ende zu. Mit dem Konzert des südafrikanischen
Musikgenies Johnny Clegg und seiner Band hat Organisator Ulrich Pesch nochmals
für einen umjubelten Höhepunkt gesorgt. Der 51-jährige Clegg ist ein Künstler,
der die Menschen nicht nur begeistert, er bewegt sie im besten Sinne des
Wortes, denn spätestens in der zweiten Hälfte des Abends hält es kaum noch
jemanden auf seinem Platz. Es wird getanzt, mitgeklatscht, gesungen.
Auf Burg Wilhelmstein vom Publikum umjubelt: der Südafrikaner Johnny Clegg (Foto: W. Sevenich)
ist Johnny Clegg - ein Musiker, der als Mensch eine ganz besondere
Ausstrahlung hat, der rockige Elemente mit der Straßenmusik der Zulu, mit
keltischer Folklore und manchmal sogar mit Western-Melodien zu einem
unverwechselbaren, hinreißenden Sound verbindet.
Mit ganzem Herzen und einer so dynamischen Bühnenpräsenz, dass man immer neu
von den musikalischen Strukturen überrasch ist, erreicht Johnny Clegg seine
Zuhörer ohne Umschweife. Der Kontakt ist da, sobald er die Bühne betritt, und
schon die schwarze Jacke mit den afrikanischen Ornamenten ist ein Bekenntnis.
Clegg ist kein Prediger, er ist überzeugt von seiner Mission, und die heißt:
Humanität, Gleichberechtigung, Überwindung der Gegensätze. Und so erzählt er
von den harten und bitteren Zeiten der Apartheid, vom Leiden und Morden, von
der tiefen Liebe, die ihn unter anderem mit der Zulu-Kultur verbindet, und
zugleich von der Sorge um eine Gesellschaft, die sich durch Genmanipulation
selbst Entmenschlicht.
Die Songs aus eigener Feder sprechen für sich. «Take My Heart», der Rhythmus
ist kraftvoll, heftig, vital. Beim Zulu-Walking-Song tauscht er die Gitarre
und die flirrenden Kaskaden, die er ihr entlockt, mit der kleinen Concertina,
einer Art Ziehharmonika, und los geht der Marsch durch das unendliche Land.
An seiner Seite ist eine Band, auf die er sich felsenfest verlassen kann,
jeder von ihnen ein brillanter Solist. Immer neu sorgt Brendan Ross mit
Saxophon und Keyboard für faszinierend elegante Jazz-Linien, liefert Barry
Vanzyl am Schlagzeug die tragende Basis einer fordernden und zugleich
feinsinnigen Musik, sind Andrew Innes (Gitarre) und Concord Nkabinde (Bass)
wichtige Kollegen.
Sie alle können singen und tanzen, doch in der Stimmgewalt ist Mandisa Dlanga
für Johnny Clegg die stärkste Partnerin. Die Frau mit den runden Formen und
dem schelmischen Lächeln gibt den Songs durch ihren Einsatz wunderbare Wärme,
Kraft und Glanz.
Clegg ist ein Musiker aus Leidenschaft. Da genügt es ihm oft nicht, zu singen
oder ein Instrument zu spielen. Er setzt seinen Körper ein, tanzt, wirbelt
plötzlich um seine Bandmitglieder herum, lässt seine Bewegungen sprechen, wenn
es ihn packt.
Die tänzerische Ausdrucksprache der Zulu hat er in jungen Jahren gelernt und
verstanden. Das beweist nicht zuletzt der Kampftanz, der - und das ist ein
Ritual bei Cleggs Konzerten - nach dem eigentlichen Programm das Publikum zum
Staunen und Jubeln bringt. In Würselen ist der schwarze Tänzer Linda Zakwe an
seiner Seite.
Ohne Zugaben lässt man Clegg und seine Musiker nicht ziehen, und die
Dramaturgie stimmt. Bis zum Schluss hat sich Clegg die legendäre Hymne für
Nelson Mandela aufgehoben -«Asimbonanga», Feuerzeuge leuchten auf, die Menge
ist feierlich ergriffen.
«Scatterlings of Africa» reisst alle mit und bei «Dela» wird natürlich kräftig
gesungen. Clegg mischt seine großen Anfanggserfolge wie «Third World Child»
oder «Woza Friday» und das höchst politische «One Man One Vote» geschickt mit
Titeln seiner aktuellen CD «Best of Live».
Der Spannungsbogen wird bis zum letzten «Gute Nacht» gespannt. Ein besonderer
Abend auf der Burg.
Redakteurin Sabine
Rother (26.08.2004 | 19:58 Uhr)
27. August
- Rotterdam, NL
28. August
- Rotterdam,
http://www.luxortheater.com with Vusi Mahlesela!
the new Luxor Theatre in Rotterdam a South African night was organised by the
Luxor Business Club to raise funds for the Cotlands Aids Project in South
Africa. For that reason fridaynight was for the Business Club and
saturdaynight was open to the public. The night was called: 'n Vuis vol
diamante', means 'a fist full of diamonds' and consisted of two parts: one
before the break with (the fantastic) Vusi Maleshela and one after the break
with Johhny Clegg.
We had front seats tickets and I was wearing my 46664 t-shirt. During my stay
in Cape Town I visit the 46664 concert in the Greenpoint Stadium and saw
Nelson Mandela and Johhny Clegg for the first time live.
Vusi was a big beautifull man who was talking about his life and country and
the struggle. They call him the Voice and now I now why. Fantastic. The crowd
was standing and dancing (although it was a theatre) and he loved it. He
played guitar and sang.
Then after the break Johhny walks on stage and began singing his first song!
Fantastic! Everybody was standing and dancing. He gave me two times tumbs up
and was pointing at my 46664 t-shirt. You can imagine I was proud! Wow. My
night was a success!
The complete setlist: Giyani, Malonjini, Wanderers, ,One man one vote, I call
your name, Africa, The Crossing, Woza Friday, Tuff, Great Heart, Scatterlings,
- dance - Cruel Crazy - Encore: Dela, Asimbonanga (with Vusi and his band!)
Between most of the numbers he explained what the songs are all about. He 's a
great talker. And again he talked about the 46664 concert and pointed at me
and my t-shirt. Hi hi....."
Posted by Wolter 30.08.2004 21:19
Monat 10-12 2004 (01-03 - 04-06 - 07-09)
18. Oktober Vuthela envisions new BEE model Published on the web by Business Report
By Na-iem Dollie - Johannesburg http://www.busrep.co.za/index.php?fArticleId=2263818&fSectionId=610&fSetId=304Industry must follow the models of nature, says Jonathan de Vries, a director and a 51 percent majority shareholder of Vuthela Resources, the new black economic empowerment (BEE) company specialising in e-waste recycling, event management, and media and entertainment.
What is someone else's waste is another's resource, he says.
Vuthela wants to turn the "classic model of empowerment" - spearheaded by Cyril Ramaphosa's Johnnic, Patrice Motsepe's ARMgold, Saki Macozoma's Safika Holdings - on its head and move beyond the "interregnum" in South Africa, where the empowerment agenda is still set and driven by the white captains of industry.
Deals are done through special-purpose vehicles that white companies sponsor and funnel money into for black recipients. These are debt-based and tie black individuals and consortiums into long-term bondage.
Vuthela, on the other hand, has raised "R1.5 million from Standard Bank and R1 million from bonds, personal cash and from friends".
The new empowerment kid on the block is doing things differently, says Johnny Clegg, the co-founder of the band Juluka and now a director and 49 percent minority shareholder of Vuthela.
Started in 2003 by Tim Modise, the TV and radio personality and Proudly SA chairman, Clegg, De Vries and Thabiso Sekwane, the radio personality, Vuthela has two flagship business ventures.
This week it launched its e-waste recycling company, African Sky, which is based in Benoni and is at the forefront of environment recycling technology.
African Sky complies with ISO 14001 standards and has a five-year contract with Singapore-based Citiraya, the world's biggest processor of corporate e-waste.
From its Benoni base, it will disassemble and systematically record all e-waste (old computers and printers), estimated at 20 tons a month, and ship this off to Singapore where Citiraya will extract and refine various precious metals and plastic, and place these back into the manufacturing cycle.
"In addition to providing an e-waste recycling service to local companies, we are ideally suited to work with Citiraya due to South Africa's attractive combination of affordable labour and First World capability," says Allan Werth, the chief executive of African Sky.
Vuthela has also established a partnership with the Makabeleni people in KwaZulu-Natal. This will be a job creation initiative around a tourist lodge on the banks of the Tugela River. The company has set aside R200 000 for this initiative, which is an interest-free fund for the community of Makabeleni.
At the lodge, tourists will experience traditional rural life in their cultural settings and "cultural manufacturers" will be involved in every aspect of the venture, from its management to the employment of guides.
Within two years, the project will be self-sustaining, says Clegg. It will be managed by Sipho Mchunu, a co-founder of Juluka.
If the community is unable to pay the monthly repayments owing to Vuthela, no punitive action will be taken as the company expects real returns only after two years, says Clegg.
There is nothing wrong with making a profit. What is, is how it's distributed.
Vuthela seems bent on popping the empowerment bubble that is housing a coterie of black elites.
24. Oktober 17:51 Posted by Paul
Hi All,
Been meaning to do this for sometime--in the early day's of my band Cheza we recorded a "tribute" song to Johnny Clegg. It was never released on CD and I've finally got around to making an MP3 of it. Feel free to download it - go to http://www.cheza.ca/music_cassette.htm - it's called White Zulu. A bit dated to my ear now and the production is a bit low but not without some energy.
31. Oktober Johnny Clegg - Sandton, S.A.
25. November Mbabane, Swaziland
27. November Windhoek, Namibia - A MYSTICAL NIGHT WITH THE STARS - UNDER THE STARS (27 November 2004)
Two Greats to perform in Windhoek
The Kalahari Sands Hotel and Casino, Namibia's leading Hotel and Entertainment provider, will roll out the African Red Carpet for maestro performers and composers, Johnny Clegg and PJ Powers at The "Kalahari Sands Fight Against AIDS" Concert to beheld on 27 November 2004 at the Wanderers Stadium in Windhoek. The concert is to raise awareness of the impact of Aids in Namibia as well as to handover part of the proceeds to a chosen AIDS Organisation.
At the 46664 Concert in November 2003, Nelson Mandela said: "AIDS is no longer a disease, it is a human rights issue. To win this fight, we all must do more. Do more to tell people about protection. Do more to fund those making such a difference on the frontline to fight HIV. Do more to demand leaders give people the medicine, the care, the treatment they need when they have AIDS".
By supporting the "Kalahari Sands Fight Against AIDS" Concert, we can unite in the fight to do more. Proceeds raised from the concert will go towards helping to improve the lives of those infected and affected by the HIV/AIDS in Namibia.
Tickets for the "Kalahari Sands Fight Against AIDS" Concert will be available at the stadium. For further information: Benita Gouws, Events & Incentives Co-ordinator Tel: (+26461) 2800993
03. Dezember Jeder auf seine Art - Wie Johnny Clegg und Steve Hofmeyr die Massen bewegen - Konzertbericht der "Allgemeine Zeitung"
18. Dezember Port Shepstone, SA legends tell SA's story http://www.tonight.co.za/index.php/index.php?fSectionId=358&fArticleId=2352158
In a celebration of a compelling musical combination, Johnny Clegg and Sipho Mchunu perform A South African Story, Part II, tonight at Kirstenbosch and then at Spier's outdoor amphitheatre on December 28 and 29.
The show will be repeated at Spier from January 6 to 9.
Clegg's story of music, historical insight and personal anecdotes from his career stretches nearly three decades, and now he and Mchunu come together again to entertain their fans.
If there is one artist in South Africa symbolising a culturally integrated society, it has to be Clegg. His mastery of the language, dances, compositional techniques and guitar styles of the Zulu gave him an opportunity to develop a modern African identity and confidently be at home in both cultures.
Clegg met Mchunu in 1970 when he was 16. It was the beginning of a friendship otherwise inconceivable in a land under apartheid, and it was the start of a team that was to work together for the next 15 years. They played for each other, becoming more and more fascinated by each other's talent and in 1975 they formed Juluka (the Zulu word for sweat).
In 1979 they produced their first album, Universal Man, which was banned on most South African radio stations, but they took their music abroad and played with Ladysmith Black Mambazo in West Germany in 1981, to critical acclaim. Juluka toured Canada in 1982 and by 1983 the Sunday Times rated them as one of South Africa's top bands. However, in 1985 Sipho felt that the group had achieved its greatest success and they split.Clegg continued to pursue music, but slanted towards a contemporary rather than Zulu approach, and so launched his new band Savuka in 1986. The band travelled abroad extensively and supported music icons such as David Bowie, Tina Turner and Tracy Chapman. By 1990 EMI International rated Savuka as one of their top four acts.
Clegg's cultural crossover into Zulu tradition encapsulates the goals for a unified South Africa, where colour is no longer used to distinguish people and cultures can be shared. His music is considered to be representative of our nation and Scatterlings of Africa still brings a feeling of unity and patriotism to most South Africans.
The performances at the Spier Amphitheatre will take place at 8.30 each night. Booking: 021 809 1177 or e-mail boxoffice@spierarts.org.za Book for the Kirstenbosch concert at Computicket.
22. Dezember Kirstenbosch Gardens, Cape Town, S.A.
Johnny Clegg Live at the Kirstenbosch Gardens http://www.capetowntoday.co.za/Music/Live_Performance/Johnny_Clegg.htm
Venue: Kirstenbosch Gardens. Tel: 083 915 8000/ (021)761 2866
Price: R150 (excluding computicket service charge)
Date: 22 Dec 2004
Genre: African
Johnny Clegg, one of South Africa’s most loved entertainers, returns to Cape Town after a year of touring in Australia, Europe and America. Enduring more than two decades in a somewhat unpredictable industry Clegg and his band still play to sell-out venues both locally and internationally.
Clegg and his music have become symbols of South Africa’s proud heritage and rank amongst our finest exports. Think Castle, Marmite, Mrs. Ball’s Chutney, Table Mountain, the Protea, the Springbok, and of course the White Zulu. Standing the test of time, Johnny, together with Juluka and Savuka, has provided us with songs that have become soundtracks to our lives. With every high and low experienced a Johnny Clegg song comes to mind. From the anthemic “Impi”, “Asimbonyanga” and “The Crossing”, to the smash hits including “Cruel, Crazy Beautiful World”, “Crocodile Love”, “I Call Your Name”, “Take My Heart Away”, and “African Sky Blue”, Johnny undoubtedly makes us proud to be South African!
28./29. Dezember Spier Wine Estate, Stellenbosch, S.A.
Johnny Clegg - African Story Part II
Fans of Johnny Clegg will be thrilled to know that he’ll be performing at Spier’s outdoor amphitheatre for Part II of A SOUTH AFRICAN STORY.
2002 saw Johnny performing one of his most successful shows ever, with over 25 000 people flocking to see the show in Johannesburg alone. Now, two years later, due to the unprecedented demand from the public and with South Africa proudly celebrating 10 years of democracy, Johnny and his band return to the stage. Audiences will be entertained by amusing anecdotes, historical bits ‘n pieces and anthropological facts – all culminating in the kind of story that legends are made of.http://www.spierarts.org.za/overview.php?show_id=4
review Clegg bly immer gewild and here
31. Dezember Nantes, France (free concert)
En Afrique du Sud, la tournée de l'artiste vient tout juste de toucher à sa fin et le succès fut au rendez-vous.
À en croire la presse d'Afrique du Sud, Johnny Clegg reste très apprécié pour son personnage et ses performances scéniques. En tournée dans le pays depuis l'automne, l'artiste a rencontré un franc succès sur chacune des dates de ce tour de chant, qui se sont souvent tenues à guichets fermés. La France l'avait accueilli au printemps dernier pour une série de cinq concerts organisés à Paris, Strasbourg, Lyon, Valence et Toulouse.
En début d'année, le label de l'interprète de "Scatterlings Of Africa" avait, pour la première fois en France, édité le DVD "Live And More", regroupant une série de clips, des passages live filmés en France, en Afrique et en Thaïlande, aux côtés de ses deux groupes emblématiques Savuka et Juluka. À noter également la récente parution de deux compilations résumant sa carrière : "In My African Dreams" et "Best Of Live".
old stuff
Great Britain/Germany/Australia 2004????
Hi scatters,
Tonight, Johnny Clegg appeared onto the french TV (Absolument 80 : Hit from the 80's) and he performed Asimbonanga and Scatterlings of Africa (TWC album version) , but at the end of the songs, he talked about the Australian tour (november) and a English tour soon. (without more information) I think some of you will be happy of this news....
Hi All,
Back in June someone found details of a UK Juluka concert advertised on the 1st contact web-site. It turns out that there really *was* a planned concert but it has now been postponed until 2004. See details below from realsa...
Our apologies for the delay in replying but due to circumstances beyond our control the show in the UK has been postponed to 2004 - no date confirmed as yet. Once we have new details we will advise.
"Margaret D"
Australia Tour: "Probably April next year. See you then!"???? 21. August - Wiesen, Germany? (Zipfer Zone Wiesen/Schöllingstrasse 1/7203 - Wiesen/A Wiesen Web)
???? 22. August - Berlin, Germany